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Face-mapping:together we decipher the imperfections of your face!

Face-mapping is a method to understand where our imperfections and skin problems come from. Depending on the positioning of the button, it is possible to understand what this is due to. Sometimes it indicates malfunctions in some part of our body. Indeed, each area of ​​the face is linked to a very specific internal organ. We would like to point out that we are only talking about mild acne in this blog post! Let's go, we decrypt everything for you!

I have pimples on …


Pimples on the forehead are usually caused by poor diet. The digestive system is directly impacted, it is possible that you eat too fat, too sweet, or too salty. Avoid dairy products, chocolate, sweets, sodas… But pimples on the forehead can also be due to stress! In addition, we tend to sweat more easily on the forehead than on the other areas of our face, which promotes the production of sebum and therefore the appearance of small pimples.

Between the eyebrows

Usually pimples that appear between the eyebrows are due to liver malfunction! A congested liver promotes the appearance of pimples, so avoid drinking alcohol and reduce your consumption of dairy products! You will see, they will disappear like magic!

On the temples

If you see small pimples appear on your temples, your body is lacking hydration! Remember to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day! The goal is to drain toxins and allow them to function properly! With good hydration, you will no longer have any pimples at this level!

On the cheeks

The cheeks are connected to our respiratory organ. In general, pimples on the cheeks appear in smokers as well as in city dwellers because of the high rate of pollution in the city.

On the nose

If you have small pimples on your nose, it's probably because your cholesterol level is too high! In this case, favor a diet rich in omega-3 as well as unsaturated fatty acids and eat fruits and vegetables daily!

On the chin

Again, this is due to the power supply! Your diet is not balanced enough! It is possible to see pimples appear on the forehead as well as on the chin, and there, without a doubt, it is because of your digestive system. But it is also possible to have it only on the chin, or vice versa only on the forehead!

On the jaws

Whether on the left or on the right, these are often the most painful pimples that are there, and for good reason… they are the pimples linked to hormones! One side may be more prone to pimples depending on which side you are ovulating. For these pimples, there is no miracle cure, you have to wait. If pimples persist, contact a dermatologist.

The right things to do:

Several small daily gestures can improve your skin, here they are:

- Never touch your face with dirty hands!

- Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day to flush out all accumulated toxins.

- Favor a healthy diet such as vegetables, fruits... Avoid consuming foods that are too rich and too fatty, and avoid sodas and carbonated drinks!

- Adopt a good sleep rhythm in order to rest your skin well and above all be regular!

- Reduce or completely stop your consumption of tobacco and alcohol. If you can take in the fresh air in the countryside, far from the pollution, go for it! Your skin will thank you!

- In the morning refresh your skin with water, and in the evening do a double cleansing to dislodge impurities.

- Opt for natural care to avoid ingredients and treatments that are too harsh on your skin!

- And above all… Don't poke any pimples, because you risk scarring yourself!

What to clean your skin with?

First, cleanse your skin every night with a cleansing oil. Minima[list] Cleansing Oil removes sweat and stubborn makeup! Being 100% of natural origin, this oil does not attack the skin, on the contrary it pampers it! Also, once or twice a week, you can do a gentle exfoliation for the face to unclog dead skin and all impurities with our moisturizing exfoliating treatment! If you have light acne scars, we recommend our repair balm for dry areas which reduces new scars!

Did you like this decryption? What do you think of face mapping? Were you already aware of certain meanings of your buttons? We are waiting for your reactions on our Instagram! And if you want to discover our natural and organic face care, just click here!