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Imperfections:where do they come from?

One day your skin is perfect and the next day imperfections appear. Do you know what factors trigger these imperfections? What if we first started by understanding why they appear! Certain gestures help reduce the risk of inflammation and improve the quality of the skin. Here we go, we tell you everything!

What triggers blemishes?

Do you have shiny skin? Your skin surely produces too much sebum! Your skin is therefore more prone to imperfections! Sebum increases the risk of clogged pores, and therefore the formation of small pimples and blackheads. If your skin produces too much sebum, it is unable to control its production. The goal if you have shiny skin is to rebalance the pH of your skin using a routine specially adapted for blemish-prone skin.

Sun exposure

Often after being exposed to the sun, we see small imperfections appear on our face. Indeed, the risk of skin imperfections reaches a peak when we put our skin in the sun! UV rays are so strong that they dry out our skin and weaken it. The skin reacts quickly to protect itself by producing sebum, and will therefore more easily clog pores and create imperfections. The ideal is not to expose yourself to the sun for too long!


Some foods can trigger sebum production! Indeed, dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurts can be the cause of imperfections! Also, eating too much sugar can increase your concentration of carbohydrates in the blood and therefore raise your insulin levels, which stimulates your sebum production. It is advisable to eat foods with a low glycemic index, so as not to disturb the blood sugar level. In order to know which foods are at the origin of your imperfections, keep a food diary! So avoid having a diet that is too rich and opt for foods such as spinach, broccoli and lettuce which are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and calcium! Finally, drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day.


We're not teaching you anything! Our hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands and cause pimples to appear on the lower face. How does it work ? In women, at each start of the cycle, our progesterone levels increase, our skin changes in such a way as to make the pores narrower. At the same time, the sebum becomes thicker during this period due to the increase in testosterone levels. The sebum tries to evacuate, but the pores are narrower...! Pores clog more easily and therefore cause blemishes.

Touching his face

We touch our face on average 250 times a day, and these 250 times are the perfect opportunity for bacteria to land on our skin! Our hands carry dirt and bacteria and imperfections tend to appear! That's not to mention the bacteria on your phone that settle directly on your face when you're on the phone! Wash your hands every time before touching your face and remember to clean your phone regularly!


Stress gives imperfections. Indeed, the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) leads to the production of sebum and therefore increases the risk of imperfections. To reduce your stress, take a step back and try meditation or yoga to relax. Sleep can also increase the risk of imperfections, if your sleep is not regular and less than 8 hours, your skin is more fragile to fight against external aggressions. Know that it is at night that the skin regenerates and if your sleep is reduced, its efficiency time to repair your cells is too.

What beauty routine to avoid blemishes?

Choosing a routine suited to your skin type is essential! Your beauty routine may not be right for you. It happens that certain products are too aggressive for the skin and to protect itself, the skin produces sebum in quantity. Opt for natural care that respects the pH of your skin!

Whether you have oily, sensitive, mature, dry or combination skin, each skin deserves special care! At minima[liste], our products are 100% natural and organic. For gentle cleansing, natural cleansing oil is ideal, it respects the pH of the skin, eliminates make-up, excess sebum and leaves your skin soft and hydrated. Also find our three natural care oils for mature, sensitive and combination skin! They meet the exact needs of your skin and protect it from external aggressions. Finally, once or twice a week do a gentle exfoliation for the face to unclog pores and prevent the appearance of imperfections! Your skin will thank you!

So? Have you spotted the unsuspected bad habits that are causing you imperfections? Do you have any other advice for us? Visit our social networks to discuss it!