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Couperose, rosacea:where does this facial redness come from?

Couperose and rosacea affect 2 to 3% of French people, and mostly women. However, couperose and rosacea are rarely explained. Do you wonder where your redness in the face comes from? How to mitigate them with care and when to decide to consult? Veld's is here to guide you.

What is rosacea?

Contrary to appearances, rosacea is not limited to a few insignificant facial flushes. This is a genuine skin condition . A skin disease, then. It is sometimes called "acne rosacea", but wrongly, because it does not affect the pilosebaceous follicles. This dermatosis is sufficiently tenacious to be chronic. Unfortunately, many women are unaware that they have it.

Do you think you are affected? Know that this pathology evolves in four stages.

1) The skin is prone to sudden and temporary reddening (in the jargon, this is called a “flush”). This phenomenon causes a sensation of heat and, sometimes, tingling and irritation.

2) The face shows permanent redness on the mid-facial area (forehead, nose, sides of the nose and chin). This is the erythrosis phase.

3) To make matters worse, the diffuse redness is now accompanied by dilated blood vessels and red buttons (hence the link to acne!)

4) Finally, skin rosacea degenerates into rhinophyma :the nose swells, amazes and blushes. Rest assured, this severe form is rare, and almost exclusively affects men.

Couperosis:definition and difference with rosacea

The terms of “rosacea and “rosacea are often used interchangeably. However, rosacea and couperose are not quite the same thing! Rosacea is the “official” name for the disease. This is the one your dermatologist uses, for example.

Rosacea, on the other hand, is actually just a symptom of facial rosacea . It appears at stage 3. It is considered to correspond to the combination of two phenomena:

  • erythrosis
  • Telangiectasia:these are your blood vessels that become visible as a result of dilation. They are purple or red and form tiny streaks.

Couperosis:the causes

The direct cause of rosacea or couperose is well known. It is actually a slowdown in your blood circulation . Result:the blood stagnates, your small capillary vessels dilate and part of the blood network becomes visible to the naked eye. This is exactly the same principle as varicose veins . With the difference that rosacea is localized on your face.

For the time being, the origin of this malfunction has still not received a certain and definitive explanation. On the other hand, we know that it occurs most often in fair skin and women in their thirties or forties. Scientists evoke factors of appearance and aggravation recurring:

  • a genetic predisposition
  • sun exposure
  • an unsuitable diet
  • a dysfunctional immune system.

How to react in case of rosacea on the face?

Couperosis and rosacea should not be taken lightly . Cosmetology can only act on the aesthetic aspect:it helps to reduce facial redness and soothe skin discomfort. However, it will never be able to intervene in depth and treat the consequences of rosacea of ​​the skin . This part is for medicine!

Do you suspect rosacea or couperose? We advise you to consult a specialist as soon as possible . Support in the early stages will allow you to provide the appropriate care for your skin and to prevent excesses . If the telangiectasias are already installed, only advanced technologies will be able to erase them (the laser, for example).

How to reduce facial redness?

Couperosic skin requires attention and a nice dose of softness. Learn how to adapt your beauty routine to her needs.

Gently cleanse your skin

Skin affected by facial rosacea is often thin and fragile skin. It produces little sebum and has to make do with a reduced hydrolipidic film to defend. It is therefore in your best interest to be extra vigilant when choosing your treatments. And it starts with the facial cleanser!

We strongly encourage you to give up on soap, which risks aggravating the dryness of your skin. Opt instead for a cleansing milk special for dry and sensitive skin . It will help you dissolve small impurities without disrupting the integrity of your skin barrier.

Protect your skin from aggressions

Rosacea and couperose are synonymous with a good number of inconveniences:burning, tingling, itchy skin and company are at the rendezvous. And it's even worse if your skin is not properly protected against the cold and other aggressions. The more she is exposed, the more she will react and the more she will blush.

In order to find comfort and calm , give pride of place to hydration in your facial care ritual. Thanks to its unique formula, the Pure Pulp Neo gel forms a protective film on the surface of the skin. Its refreshing aloe vera extract and moisturizing hyaluronic acid are ideal for redness on the face.

Keep a light hand on makeup

Like many women with blemishes and rosacea, you probably have the make-up reflex. This is completely normal, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of it to feel better about yourself . However, be careful not to set your sights on just any product!

Although impressively effective, very covering textures are contraindicated. Start simpler with a few dabs of green corrector (its color neutralizes red) on your erythrosis. Then apply a lightweight foundation directly over it to even out your skin tone.

Follow the right reflexes on a daily basis

If you suffer from facial rosacea , many seemingly banal gestures should be avoided, otherwise your redness will worsen. Don't panic:we take stock with you of the reflexes to adopt while waiting for your visit to the dermatologist.

  • Forget the erasers, especially the (grainy) tuners
  • Always protect your skin with an SPF before going out (even in winter!)
  • Leave your skin alone:​​do not touch it more than necessary and limit friction.
  • Avoid cosmetic ingredients with an icicle effect (menthol, camphor, eucalyptol, etc.).