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Chin hair:where does it come from and how to get rid of it?

Let it be said, as a woman, having hair that grows on your chin and neck, is not very common. However, these hairs are natural, and it should not become a complex . But, we can also understand that you will be fine without it. Know that this phoneme affects nearly 10% of women, and even has a name:hirsutism . We give you everything you need to know to understand the appearance of these hairs, and especially if you have to worry about it. And if you want to get rid of it , here are some tips to adopt!

Chin hair:where does it come from?

In about 7 out of 10 cases, hirsutism reflects a hormonal imbalance in the ovaries. So it may not be that trivial. This is also one of the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS . There is no real cure for these syndromes. It is women, whoproduce too many androgens, hormones responsible for male sex characteristics. This phenomenon may also be related to Cushing's syndrome . It is caused by too a large amount of cortisol by our body, which causes significant facial hair growth. Finally, chin hair can appear naturally with age, especially at menopause . The weight gain , and certain drugs disrupting our hormones, can also have a role to play in our hairiness.

Chin hair:how do you get rid of it?

If these hairs bother you, we reassure you, there are different treatments to overcome it. The easiest and fastest way is to use common means of hair removal. The only downside is that they can sometimes irritate the skin. When these hairs are linked to hormonal imbalance , you can benefit from medication . Be careful, these must be prescribed by a professional and not taken blindly. Finally, the most effective solution is laser sessions. They make it possible to eradicate the presence of hair in the long term.