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Do you have pimples as soon as you change your beauty routine? We explain why!

Spread the word, a button never happens by chance on our beautiful face. A meal that's too greasy, menstruation coming, stress or an acne breakout, in short, so many reasons why you don't worry when a pimple arrives. However, it is also possible that these unwanted guests are the result of a purging of the skin . Nothing to do with the horror movie, we reassure you. It is more of a reaction following a purifying treatment or a new product concentrated in exfoliating active ingredients.

Beauty routine:purging, is it good or bad?

As unpleasant as pimples are, they're actually a good thing. When our skin purges, it brings out all the hidden impurities under the epidermis. Thus, we find after a beautiful and smooth skin . Some beauty products act precisely on skin renewal . They are very effective, but make us go through this spotty period. But what is a few days of whiteheads, if it follows a young and fresh skin?

Beauty routine:how to recognize this purge?

It is important to dissociate the pimples from the bleeding of the skin, and the others, to treat them well. For that, it is enough to observe them. If it is a bleed, the pimples appear mostly as blackheads or small skin-colored bumps. The process can sometimes be very long. Depending on our skin, it can take up to three months to see the results of our new routine. Patience is therefore essential, as dermatologist Justine Kluk explains. to our colleagues at Glamour UK :"If you have just started a new skin treatment and you notice a small outbreak of pimples, be patient because it is only temporary, while your skin has time to adapt to the new ingredients that you apply".