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Acne skin:the routine that will change your life

Are you tired of only pimples and blackheads invade your face? Enough of the scars and brown spots that they leave for weeks? Tired of spending hours in the bathroom trying to camouflage them with foundation and CC cream? At the end of the day you only dream of one thing:cleaning your face that is shiny and greasy since the morning?

Having oily and acne-prone skin can ruin your life if you don't take the right steps. But don't panic, the routine we are offering you today will help you regulate excess sebum, reduce the appearance of imperfections and regain clear, smooth and radiant skin! No more mornings trying to cover up all those blemishes and scars!

And to help you adopt this ideal beauty routine, the NUOO team offers you a 65€ reduction from 65€ of purchase with the code CONSEILBEAUTE1 . Enjoy it while there's still time!

What are the factors of acne-prone skin?

Acne skin:the routine that will change your life

The presence of acne pimples results from too much sebum secretion , which is also responsible for oily skin or an oily scalp. When the skin follicles are clogged, they no longer allow sebum to be released to protect the skin from external aggressions and dryness. There is then a risk of inflammation, due to the proliferation of bacteria, causing these famous acne pimples to appear.

One of the main reasons for acne comes from excess hormone production , which will create an accumulation of sebum in the sebaceous glands. This is why acne is often present during adolescence, during periods of menstruation in women or at any stage of life when hormonal changes occur.

Many other external causes can also be put forward to explain the acneic tendency of the skin:the consumption of tobacco, a diet too rich in sugars and dairy products, stress, exposure to the sun, friction of clothing on the skin, etc.

It should also not be forgotten that skin cleansing is essential to limit excessive sebum production. And the problem does not necessarily come from poor hygiene! Many conventional products are known to contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that can make acne problems worse. . It is therefore better to favor natural cosmetics , and non-comedogenic, and cleanse your skin daily without attacking it.

What routine to take care of acne-prone skin?

Knowing the factors of acne can help find solutions to fight against skin imperfections . But to optimize your chances of regaining healthy skin, it is essential to set up a beauty routine with natural cosmetics! You can even anticipate the white pimples of acne which tend to reappear at the end of the summer. Here are our tips for finding the right products for your skin type and for doing the right things every day!

What exfoliation for acne-prone skin?

In order for the skin to become healthy again, it is necessary to remove dead cells and clean it thoroughly . For that, nothing better than a scrub! But beware:acne-prone skin is sensitive skin, and if it is attacked, it will tend to produce even more sebum to protect itself.

It is therefore necessary to choose a scrub or a gentle peeling, whose grains are fine. Then, it's up to you to choose the composition that corresponds to the characteristics of your skin to restore all its splendor while fighting against acne. All you have to do is moisten the entire face, then apply a little product, massaging lightly in circular motions.

Good to know:this type of scrub should be done once every one or two weeks, no more.

We recommend the following treatments:

Which range of facial cleansers to fight against acne?

Even if exfoliation cannot be done daily , you must be able to cleanse your skin every day, morning and evening if possible. Without it, you risk seeing sebum build up and pimples proliferate!

Again, avoid using an aggressive solution and favor a mild and natural cleaning product . Among them are Marseille soap, Tea Tree hydrosol or even rosemary verbenone hydrosol. But you can also opt for a cleansing gel specially designed for oily and/or blemished skin . These cleansing products are made up of purifying ingredients, zinc which regulates the production of sebum or even soothing ingredients.

On the other hand, classic soap is avoided, especially if it does not have a neutral pH.

Which vegetable oil to choose for acne-prone skin?

It's not because you have oily skin Say goodbye to vegetable oils! Some are even particularly recommended for fight against blackheads and acne pimples , because they regulate the production of sebum, purify, regenerate and soften. Include jojoba oil, nigella oil or even hazelnut oil in your bathroom, to take care of your skin while nourishing it. You can create a personalized treatment by mixing your vegetable oil with a few drops of essential oils, such as Tea Tree, Aspic Lavender, Palmarosa, Manuka, etc.

And if you really don't know which vegetable oil to use for your acneic skin , remember that the most important thing is not to use comedogenic oil, which will prevent the skin from breathing, and therefore accentuate acne concerns. In addition, be careful not to use too much oil:a few drops are enough to make your skin more beautiful. And of course, the oil should be applied to previously cleansed skin.

Which face cream for acne-prone skin?

Are you more cream than vegetable oil? After exfoliating or cleansing the skin, know that you can (should!) moisturize your skin to protect it and make your body understand that it is not necessary to produce more sebum.

Opt for a moisturizing cream or milk with purifying properties , rebalancing and/or mattifying. This type of product is specially designed for women who have oily skin and need hydration, without clogging the pores.

What mask for acne-prone skin?

Once a week, ideally after exfoliation, you can continue your routine by applying a mask. There are a multitude of purifying, anti-imperfection and moisturizing masks that can take care of acne-prone skin .

Most are made of clay, known for its purifying properties:be sure to respect the prescribed break time and not to let the mask dry on the face. Otherwise, the risk is that your skin will defend itself against this producing even more sebum! Other key ingredients make up these anti-acne masks, such as spirulina, peppermint, cornflower floral water, lemon, jojoba oil, etc. It's up to you to find the ideal formula according to your skin type, the perfumes you like, the duration of application of the mask, etc. !

It is also possible to make your own mask for oily skin, for example by mixing green clay with floral water or honey with lemon juice.

Which foundation to apply on acne-prone skin?

The beauty routine does not stop at exfoliation, cleansing and hydration of the skin:makeup is also part of it!

On clean skin, you can therefore easily apply an organic foundation, even if you are prone to acne. However, avoid foundations full of chemical additives, which may camouflage your imperfections for a few hours, but which will tend to make acne even more persistent.

Instead, opt for light natural formulas, which indicate that they are suitable for oily and combination skin. Some foundations also contain additional ingredients that will help reduce acne pimples, such as salicylic acid or absorbent powders . If excess sebum makes your skin shine, consider choosing mattifying foundations . And we forget of course cosmetics containing comedogenic ingredients!

Which make-up remover to choose when you have oily skin?

If you have acne, it is absolutely essential to remove makeup thoroughly from your entire face before going to bed . If you don't, skin may feel suffocated, and hello acne breakouts!

Fortunately, there are formulas specially designed for acne-prone skin, whether in the form of solid makeup remover, micellar water, cleansing milk, etc. Be sure to choose a product that is gentle, even purifying, in order to remove your makeup while giving your skin what it needs.

Healthy lifestyle:a complementary treatment against acne?

All this beauty routine will help you restore vitality and suppleness to the surface of the skin and make it healthier. However, if you suffer from moderate or severe chronic acne, all this will not be enough if you do not adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Indeed, among the factors previously mentioned to explain acne, several of them relate to the way you eat, what you consume, your lifestyle, etc.

So, if you tend to consume a lot of sugars and fats, it might be a good idea to rebalance your diet . Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, oilseeds and fish are all products to add to your plate to limit the activity of the sebaceous glands. Alcohol consumption can also have a negative role in the appearance of pimples.

Acne skin:the routine that will change your life

It is also wise to reduce all sources of stress, responsible for excessive sebum secretion . Yoga, meditation, sport, outings with friends, breathing exercises, reconnecting with nature:it's up to you to find the activity that will help you relax. You'll quickly see results on those pesky whiteheads or your skin's tendency to get oily!

As you will have understood, adopting good habits and a good beauty routine will make your skin clearer and smoother! Share your experience with us in the comments;)