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remove acne scars naturally

Are you tired of brown spots, hollows and bumps on your face that ruin your life? Tired of using a whole bunch of make-up products to hide the signs of acne? Tired of wasting your time every morning applying a foundation through the CC cream to the foundation?

A hormonal imbalance, a weekend of excess or simply the bad week of the month and an army of little pimples take up residence on our pretty face! If we have the misfortune to touch them (and we all do), these dear pimples leave scars that are often difficult to camouflage.

In this article, we give you our tips and remedies to remove acne scars naturally .

How to remove traces of pimples on the face?

remove acne scars naturally

Red spots, stronger pigmentation or depigmentation of the skin, atrophic or hypertrophic scars, acne wreaks havoc on all skin types! One of our first tips for reducing acne scars? Do not touch it! The more you touch your skin, the more likely you are to infect your scar with bacteria or fungi potentially present on your fingers or under your fingernails. If there is an infection, your immune system may overreact and presto, a new pimple! At this rate, it's a vicious cycle and you may find it even more difficult to get rid of your scar. Indeed, the more a button appears in the same place and the longer the inflammation, the more the scar is likely to be important and deep. It then becomes difficult to get her to leave.

Removing acne scars naturally also involves using the right beauty products!

What care should be used to remove pigment spots?

Level beauty product to fade acne scars naturally , We have what you need ! Good skin hygiene requires the most natural and gentle routine possible. By turning to more natural cosmetics , you use care that respects your skin and that really takes care of it! No more misleading ads with this or that active ingredient highlighted, in organic the active ingredients are really present, and not just at 0.1%!

So, how to remove acne scars with cosmetics? Well, very simply! All you need to do is set up a routine that contains a facial cleanser with active ingredients in favor of good skin repair such as wheat germ oil, Manuka honey or essential oils of Italian helichrysum or tea tree. Marseille soap is also a very good cleanser to prevent acne! You can also add a peeling based on fruit acids to your routine, which will eliminate dead cells on the surface of the skin and promote cell renewal. Peelings are to be used on all skin types except sensitive skin.

In terms of hydration, a vegetable oil of rosehip with aloe vera can be quite sufficient! Rosehip oil is ideal for acne-prone and scarred skin, as it is rich in antioxidants and carotenoids. It promotes cell renewal and effectively repairs the skin . In case of very inflamed skin, hemp vegetable oil is perfect thanks to its soothing properties!

From time to time, you can also make regenerating masks and of course, remember to protect yourself with sunscreen each time you are exposed to the sun. Indeed, even if the sun will improve the condition of the skin at the time, rebound acne is never far away! On unprotected skin, the sun can also worsen the appearance of scars by stimulating the production of melanin. The skin is then marked with brown spots , as anchored in the epidermis, which is very hard to get rid of!

How to make acne scars disappear? Natural remedies!

Now that you know what type of cosmetic to use, let's take a look at the natural remedies , also called "grandmother's remedies"! Among the natural solutions that we are going to offer you, there is something to treat all types of scars. Most ? Most of the ingredients we are going to mention are available in the kitchen!

Lemon juice, natural solution for brown spots

Lemon juice is the unstoppable beauty ally for removing acne scars naturally! Why ? Well because it has antibacterial, whitening and detoxifying properties which allow it to clarify the skin. It acts a bit like a peeling by "nibbling" the dead skin to reduce the scar!

To use it, nothing complicated, just squeeze the juice of a lemon (preferably organic) and apply it to the areas to be treated. Wait about fifteen minutes and rinse with lukewarm water!

This technique to reduce scars should be used sparingly given the stripping action of lemon. Once a week, and not on sensitive skin, is enough!

remove acne scars naturally

Aloe vera, a soothing and regenerating remedy par excellence

Aloe vera is a wonderful ingredient that has regenerating, moisturizing, softening and protective properties. Its richness in vitamins and minerals also gives it anti-inflammatory properties!

To use it, apply a hazelnut on the parts to be treated or apply on the whole face. Aloe can also be mixed with essential oils such as lemon or celery which treat pigment spots. To be applied several times a day on the spots using a cotton pad!

Potatoes, a natural treatment to exfoliate

Strange enough, but very true, the potato does wonders for reducing the appearance of scars ! Its richness in vitamin C, copper and potassium are ideal for erasing scars.

To use:cut thin slices of potato and rub them gently on the affected areas. The potato will exfoliate and calm inflammation!

Tomato, natural peeling

The tomato is rich in beta-carotenes and vitamin A and E (antioxidant)! It is also believed to have exfoliating properties which makes it the ideal fruit to remove acne scars naturally.

To use it, simply cut fairly thin slices of tomatoes and apply them to clean skin. You will surely feel a little tingling sensation:it's normal! It is the acids of the tomato that exfoliate the skin.

Baking soda, for small scars

Baking soda is great for fading superficial acne scars , as it is a gentle, exfoliating abrasive that refines skin texture.

To use it:mix a little baking soda with water until you obtain a paste and apply it to the areas to be treated, massaging lightly. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with clean water!

Honey, for a restorative mask

Found in almost every kitchen, honey is the perfect ingredient to heal the skin ! Beyond its healing properties, its composition rich in antioxidants, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins also makes it antibacterial, softening, nourishing and repairing.

Recipe for a mask with honey:

  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon (antibacterial and exfoliating thanks to its texture)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • optional a drop of essential oil (lavender or tea tree)

Apply to clean skin and leave for 15 minutes max before rinsing. Your skin will glow with beauty!

remove acne scars naturally

Take care of your diet to have beautiful skin

As always, having beautiful skin requires a balanced diet and a healthy overall lifestyle. You can try all the natural remedies and the most popular treatments in the world, if you don't have a healthy lifestyle, it won't help! So, how to reduce your acne scars with food ?

Simply starting with drink lots of water , to support the emunctory organs (organs responsible for evacuating toxins) and promote a luminous complexion. Then, remember to stock up on nutrients with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Also watch your fat intake with vegetable oils of avocado, hazelnut or olive. Also remember to have starchy foods and proteins (vegetable or animal) on your plates for a supply of iron, zinc, copper and selenium, four trace elements that promote skin elasticity and healing!

Food supplements to support the body

The face food supplements boost the hydration of the skin, support its balance by eliminating toxins, prepare the skin for the sun, restore its radiance, slow down skin aging,... in short, they are on top! They are also recommended to compensate for nutrient deficiencies caused by different diets. Of course, they go hand in hand with a balanced and varied diet! Here are the ones we recommend for removing acne scars naturally:

Finally, you can make an appointment for a beauty consultation with Julie in order to target the products that perfectly meet your skin problems !

Please note that all natural remedies given above are obviously not to be tested at the same time under penalty of seeing the opposite effect occur! You have to know how to dose the use of advice and let the skin do its job on its own. In any case, a good beauty routine and a healthy lifestyle are pillars to fade acne scars!

If you have been prone to severe acne and your scars are raised or sunken, consider making an appointment with a dermatologist .