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Retentional acne:what is it?

Pimples, papules, comedones, blackheads... Nearly 6 million French people are regularly confronted with these little undesirables! Nightmare of adolescents, but also of adults, acne manifests itself in different forms. Among them, retentional acne:characterized by an excess of sebum, it can degenerate into inflammatory acne if it is not properly treated. Discover the right things to do to limit the damage!

Focus on retentional acne:understanding it, to treat it better

Under the superficial layer of the skin hide glands that secrete a waxy liquid essential to the health of our skin:sebum . It flows through the hair canal and comes out on the surface of the skin through a small hole called the "pilosebaceous follicle", where it mixes with sweat to form the famous hydrolipidic film. The latter is essential to prevent dehydration of the skin and protect it from microbes.

However, it happens that these glands get carried away under the influence of internal or external factors and produce a surplus of sebum:the skin then becomes more oily than usual, without being prone to acne.

The problem is when the quality of the sebum deteriorates and becomes more viscous, or when cell debris clogs the follicular ostium. Result:the sebum can no longer flow normally and forms a "plug". That's retentional acne!

How to recognize retentional or inflammatory acne?

This accumulation of sebum produces different lesions. The most benign is the infamous blackhead (open comedone), which is nothing but a mass of oxidized sebum in contact with air. You may also notice the appearance of closed comedones (microcysts), small white pimples that form a lump on the surface of the skin. Not very glam’, but nothing dramatic in itself!

Things go wrong when bacteria get involved! Taking advantage of the lack of oxygen induced by excess sebum, they colonize the engorged area and trigger an inflammatory response in the skin . Therefore, it is no longer a retentional acne, but an inflammatory acne, marked by the presence of painful red reliefs (papules) and sometimes purulent (pustules), likely to leave unsightly scars if they are abused.

Retentional acne:what solutions?

Adopt impeccable hygiene

Whether you suffer from retentional or inflammatory acne, the priority to limit the damage is to ensure impeccable hygiene for your skin. The objective is twofold:to prevent bacterial proliferation and to eliminate excess sebum as well as cellular waste that risks obstructing the pilosebaceous follicle. So resist the temptation to pop your pimples, and incorporate the right cleansing products morning and evening to her anti-blemish routine!

Acne-prone skin should be treated like sensitive skin:if you attack it with products that are too stripping, it will produce even more sebum to defend itself... and hello to the vicious circle! Even if it seems unnatural to you, forget the foaming detergents and prefer fatty substances , in particular cleansing oils, to gently rid the skin of its impurities, without damaging its hydrolipidic film.

Erase, yes, but sparingly!

You will have understood:gentleness is the golden rule to take care of acne-prone skin. Exfoliation carried out according to the rules of the art has its share of benefits:it lifts the scales that suffocate the surface of the skin and supports cell regeneration. In case of inflammatory acne, be sure to stay on a reasonable frequency (once a week maximum).

Ban grain scrubs:too abrasive, they irritate the skin and risk aggravating pre-existing lesions. Prefer chemical exfoliants, containing keratolytic active ingredients which dissolve dead cells.

Fighting inflammatory acne:medical treatment or anti-blemish care?

Even acne-prone skin needs hydration! If you only have an inflammatory acne button from time to time, bet on moisturizing and non-comedogenic care . Choose them enriched with bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, sebum-regulating and lightly exfoliating agents. In addition, the condurango bark contained in the Pure Pulp Neo face gel is ideal for soothing and repairing problem skin! If you go out in the sun, don't forget to protect your skin:contrary to popular belief, UV rays make acne worse.

Finally, remember that acne is considered a skin disease fully fledged. If your sebaceous retention is accentuated and your lesions are more and more extensive, large and painful (nodules), go without delay from cosmetics to medical care . Depending on the severity of your retentional acne, your dermatologist will prescribe either a local treatment (often a cream containing retinoids or benzoyl peroxide) or a general treatment in the form of tablets to be swallowed daily. Those ugly pimples will just be a bad memory!