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Dull and tired complexion:what to do?

Everyone dreams of a fresh and luminous complexion! But when the grayness gets involved, it's a different story... Nothing insurmountable, however:by adopting the right gestures on a daily basis, you will manage to relegate the dull complexion to the closet in no time. Say goodbye to crumpled looks, to a radiant complexion!

Having a dull complexion, what does it mean?

The antithesis of the famous "good glow", the gray mine designates skin that visibly lacks radiance and homogeneity . Bland, greyish, muddy, earthy, tired… adjectives abound to define this type of complexion! In any case, a dull complexion is generally associated with poor general health. It is for this reason that it has become the number 1 beauty concern of many women.

Dull complexion:the causes

The gray mine effect comes from poor backscattering of light in the dermis. The causes can be multiple, but the most common remains poor oxygenation of the blood :the toxins are not properly evacuated, they accumulate and gradually blur the complexion, giving it a characteristic grayish color.

Stress, lack of sleep or an unbalanced diet are all factors that can precipitate the appearance of a dull complexion.

I have a dull complexion, what should I do?

Of course, the best option to banish this undesirable dullness is to observe an irreproachable lifestyle :we give up on cigarettes, alcohol and pollution and we focus on mineral water (at least 1.5 liters per day!), outings in the fresh air and good vegetables. So many instructions that are often compromised by our hectic lifestyles... Fortunately, there are some cosmetic tips to make skin look gray and regain a pretty complexion!

Dull complexion solutions:3 cosmetic boosts

Boost microcirculation to erase gray complexion

Is your dull complexion giving you a hard time? Treat yourself once or twice a week to a few shock treatments that will restore instant radiance to your face. Leader in anti-greyness remedies:exfoliation . Exfoliating your skin boosts the phenomenon of natural desquamation:the dead cells that blur the complexion detach from the superficial layers and leave the field free for younger cells.

In the morning, take 5 minutes to wake up your skin by massaging it with gentle circular movements… or with invigorating pats that will make your cheeks rosy! These external stimuli boost blood and lymphatic circulation, while brightening the complexion. Finally, to complete your special dull and tired complexion routine, consider the steam bath :it has no equal for unclogging pores and boosting microcirculation!

Boost the radiance of the complexion by filling up with hydration

If you want to get rid of your gray complexion once and for all, don't neglect hydration! The radiance of the skin is mainly due to the reflection of light :the slightest irregularity on the surface of the epidermis compromises this process. Conversely, hydrated skin is smooth and plump skin that guarantees a perfectly homogeneous reflection. Result:a radiant complexion to perfection.

Our favorite to restore the beauty of your skin? Pure Pulp Neo, a multifunction gel that slips under all your skincare products, to plump up the skin and refresh the complexion in the blink of an eye.

And to find your good looks effortlessly , entrust your face to Pure Pulp Glow, a 2-in-1 multivitamin treatment that illuminates the face thanks to its natural micro-pigments:daily antioxidant treatment or corrective make-up base, the choice is yours!

Cheating with makeup:heading for freshness!

Nothing like makeup to say goodbye to a dull and tired complexion and display a radiant face! Before any fantasy, start by unifying your complexion with an evanescent fluid foundation:the objective is to blur irregularities and imperfections, without freezing the face under a mask. Perfect for daily makeup with a bare skin effect, Flash Protect gently evens out the complexion and, as a bonus, effectively protects the skin from UV damage!

Complete the make-up of your complexion by enhancing your cheekbones with a veil of blush. To look good, choose it in red and orange tones (if you want, you can even match your lips). Finally, play with light and bring some glow to your face by applying a hint of highlighter to strategic points:under the brow bone, at the inner corner of the eye, on the cupid's bow, the tip of the chin and the top of the cheekbones.

Goodbye gray mine!