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Dry skin in winter:what to do?

Who has never experienced the famous tingling and tugging that poisons our lives during the cold season? It must be said that this time of year puts our skin to the test:between the plummeting temperatures, the wind and the dry air of our overheated apartments, it is hardly surprising that our skin lays low... Here are the Veld's tips for preventing dry skin in winter !

Drought or dehydration:
do you really have dry skin in winter?

Redness, deep discomfort, itching... That's it, you tell yourself that you have dry skin because of the cold ! But do you really have dry skin… or is it dehydrated? These two notions are often confused, although they do not at all designate the same deficiency!

Very often genetic, dry skin is a type of skin that does not secrete enough sebum (lipids):its surface film is deficient and struggles to effectively protect the skin in winter. Dehydration, on the other hand, is a temporary skin tendency:it corresponds to a lack of water in the tissues and is easily recognized by the small streaks it leaves on the skin.

Nevertheless, the boundary between dryness and dehydration remains quite thin:indeed, a lack of water can aggravate the condition of dry skin and, conversely, a tendency to dehydration can degenerate into dryness, if the skin is not not properly cared for.

It is often in winter that the two problems overlap, simply because the cold and the wind dry up the water reserves of the skin . Add a water deficiency to a lipid deficiency... and it's disaster for your face! Suffice to say that it is better to prepare yourself well for winter and its little inconveniences...

Skin sensitive to cold:opt for reasoned cleansing and cocooning

If you have dry skin in winter , take tweezers with the cleaning! Your challenge:eliminate impurities, without exposing the skin to aggressive substances likely to strip its hydrolipidic film. Also, choose your cleanser carefully:give up on foaming detergents and turn instead to a cleansing milk or oil, very popular with delicate skin for the feeling of comfort it instantly brings to the face.

Do you usually rinse your cleansers with tap water? STOP! Nothing like limescale to mess up sensitive skin in winter . Turn to spring water or a thermal water sprayer, which is much more respectful of your skin. And to maximize the results of your anti-dryness routine, do not hesitate to replace morning cleansing with a simple ablution of pure water from time to time. In any case, never let your face air dry and carefully blot all traces of water with a clean towel.

Hydrating the skin in winter:a must!

Skin that peels in winter , does that remind you of something ? As unattractive as it is uncomfortable, this phenomenon corresponds to a progressive desquamation of the upper layers of a thirsty epidermis. Do not panic:you can avoid this! When the weather gets colder, your moisturizer should become your best ally:apply it religiously every morning to protect your skin from the cold , but also every evening to boost the reconstitution of the hydrolipidic film during the night.

In other words, think water AND fat! Go for occlusive formulations, which form an imperceptible film on the surface of the skin to defend it against external aggressions and limit transepidermal water loss. Urea, retinol, hyaluronic acid and ceramides are all substances to track down in the compositions of your daily cosmetics, to hydrate your skin until it is more thirsty.

Once a week, treat yourself to a good moisturizing mask to soothe itchy skin from the cold and typical winter redness. And of course, out of the question to ignore the lips or the eye contour!

Give your dry skin a boost from within

The protection and hydration of the skin in winter also goes from the inside! Even if the feeling of thirst is less obvious than in summer, be sure to continue to drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water per day :during the cold season, heating dries the air... and it is your skin that pays the price. Similarly, limit as much as possible your exposure to stress, tobacco or alcohol, which are well known to amplify the phenomenon of dehydration.

And on the plate, then? We stock up on essential fatty acids , in particular omega-3:essential in the care of skin sensitive to cold, they abound in fatty fish, nuts and chia seeds. Finally, don't forget to top up your vitamin E reserves by tossing your salads with a thin drizzle of wheat germ oil (with a great nutty taste!)... and you're ready to face winter serenely!