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What is my skin type?

Dry, oily, mixed, normal… To have beautiful skin and take care of it on a daily basis, it is necessary to know your skin type. How to know your skin type? What is the difference between skin condition and type? How to adapt your care accordingly? Here are Veld's tips to get to know and pamper your skin better!

Defining your skin type:instructions for use

Each skin has its specificities. To take care of your skin and meet its needs, it is essential to know your skin type . Indeed, some need hydration, others nutrition, or simply a good exfoliation. Do you find it difficult to situate yourself between the different skin types? Here is a little overview that should help you.

Oily skin

Your skin produces excess sebum, and you notice that it is quickly shiny, oily to the touch, and that makeup has trouble staying in place. Often, oily skin is also prone to blackheads and comedones:excess sebum clogs the pores, which creates inflammation, which evolves into a pimple.

Dry skin

Your skin feels uncomfortable, itchy, tight, and sometimes you feel like a burn. You often notice the presence of dead skin, especially around the nose. Your skin may also become red and irritated easily.

Combination skin

We talk about combination skin to designate skin halfway between normal and oily. If you have combination skin, you have "normal" cheek skin, even a little dry, and the T zone (chin, nose, forehead) tends to be oily. Sometimes you have blemishes on this T-zone, and rarely on the rest of the face.

Sensitive skin

You have sensitive skin that is very reactive to temperature changes, friction, the use of cosmetics or make-up. She quickly becomes uncomfortable, blushes, feels tight, and you have trouble finding a beauty routine that fully relieves her.

Skin type and skin condition:what are the differences?

We speak of a skin type to designate a constant state . Indeed, the type of skin is a genetic heritage, we have it since birth. However, our lifestyle habits contribute a lot to how our skin evolves. For example, an unbalanced diet, the use of certain medications, or daily exposure to pollution, can make your skin dry, sensitive, or oily, and "change" your skin type over time. term.

A state, on the other hand, is temporary . It is quite possible to have oily but dehydrated skin, if you do not use moisturizers, or if it is exposed to significant temperature variations. Just as one can have dry skin (type) while having dull skin (condition), if it is exposed to pollution, for example.

When you choose the cosmetics and gestures that make up your beauty routine, you must take your skin type into account as the number 1 criterion. However, the condition of your skin can vary over the seasons and years, it so you have to listen . For example, in winter, the skin tends to become dehydrated easily. Whether you have dry or oily skin, it may be necessary to choose a richer cream for the winter than the one you use in the summer.

Skin type and suitable care:a beauty routine made for you!

Now that you know your skin type, you must use appropriate care, which will meet its needs, its problems, to sublimate it. In all beauty routines, there are 3 steps valid for all skin types:careful make-up removal every evening, a good cleaning morning and evening, daily hydration . Depending on your skin type, it may be necessary to "personalize" these three steps, or to complete them with other beauty gestures:

Oily skin routine

To limit excess sebum, choose only moisturizing care and avoid nourishing care . A nourishing cream brings oil to the skin – and you have excess of it – when a moisturizer only brings water – which you need. For cleansing, use a lightly exfoliating cleanser. Exfoliation is the ally of oily skin to prevent the appearance of pimples and blackheads ! Once a week, apply a green clay mask to absorb excess sebum.

Dry skin routine

In your case, the key word is nutrition. Your skin needs care rich in lipids, which will deeply nourish it . On the cleansing side, bet on a gentle cleansing so as not to dry out the skin further. Once a week, leave on a deep hydration mask, like our Age 2O Mask , to restore your skin's softness and suppleness. The disadvantage of dry skin is that it tends to show more, especially when the first wrinkles appear. So bet on anti-aging care fairly early on, like our Age Commando anti-wrinkle balm, which hydrates and nourishes the skin, while acting on wrinkles.

Combination skin routine

When you have "half oily, half normal" skin, it's not always easy to find how to take care of it! Favor moisturizing care over nourishing care, and above all, take an interest in the compositions. When you have combination skin, avoid comedogenic treatments and make-up as much as possible , which will suffocate the skin, make it greasy, and promote the appearance of comedones. Do not hesitate to carry out targeted treatments:you can use "patch" masks just for the nose, or apply a purifying mask just on the T zone. This allows you to unclog pores and eliminate excess sebum on the areas concerned, without drying out the rest of the face.

Sensitive skin routine

When you have sensitive skin, you have to make some adjustments with a special sensitive skin beauty routine. We avoid overly aggressive cleansers, and we favor gentle care that respects the skin . For example, cornflower floral water is a very good cleanser for sensitive skin, to cleanse while soothing the skin. On the care side, a beauty restoring gel like our Pure Pulp Neo is ideal. It respects all skin types, even sensitive, moisturizes, restores firmness and radiance in one step!