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SOS dermatitis:what to do?

Between stress, pollution and hereditary factors, skin inflammations are more and more common. We often hear about dermatitis , but what is it exactly? What is dermatitis and how to cure it?

What is dermatitis?

It is a chronic skin disease that presents as an inflammation of the skin. It is a non-contagious disease. You can recognize dermatitis by skin irritation and this effect of small, well-located red pimples, but it can take many different forms. The causes of dermatitis can be of various origins:allergic, digestive, stress, etc. Some dermatitis is also of hereditary origin. Depending on the origin of the dermatitis that affects you, the treatment will therefore be different.

The different dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis

It is one of the best known. atopic dermatitis which is sometimes linked to a hereditary and/or allergic factor. It comes in the form of a skin reaction with redness and itching. They work in the form of thrust.

Atopic dermatitis eczema usually starts in childhood with an eruption of red pimples on a localized patch of skin. Sometimes atopic dermatitis is so severe that it can also cause blisters that drain if scratched.

Fortunately, this chronic disease can be treated and tends to be more discreet in adulthood. They are, however, referred to as “budding” episodes, which are sort of flare-ups of symptoms.

How to treat atopic dermatitis ? For the most serious cases, cortisone may be prescribed to calm the pain. But before getting there, there are also natural solutions that we will discuss a little below.

Contact dermatitis

This time it's allergic dermatitis . As its name suggests, the reaction appears after having been in contact with an allergenic object such as clothing, cream, jewelry, etc.

The symptoms of this type of dermatitis are once again redness and a kind of stinging type burning. The patient may suffer from swelling or blisters. To treat allergic dermatitis, you will need to take corticosteroids.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This is one of the lesser known but still common dermatitis. It concerns the scalp, eyebrows or armpits.

Hair loss, redness, itching, dandruff, dryness, we quickly see some sort of scabs appear.

Very often, this dermatitis is of nervous origin or hormonal. To treat dermatitis seborrheic , we will have to use specific shampoos or creams.

How to treat dermatitis naturally?

Whatever your symptoms, if you feel itchy and if you have redness and/or blisters, you should see a dermatologist . I grant you, the time to get an appointment with a dermatologist is worthy of an appointment at the White House, so you will sometimes have to go through the box doctor if you do not want to wait 6 months .


Whatever the origin of your dermatitis, it can be aggravated by stress and anxiety, so try to take care of yourself and avoid episodes of anger.


This is another key point for taking care of your skin:daily hydration. Nourished and hydrated skin will be less likely to dry out.

In case of severe pain, do not hesitate to apply cold water compresses to relieve itching .


In the case of seborrheic dermatitis, homeopathy can help you treat and reduce inflammation. Kalium sulfuricum is often used to treat eczema or rashes of the skin. Ask your pharmacist for advice or make an appointment with a homeopath.

Essential oils

Certain essential oils such as tea tree combined with a few drops of aloe vera can relieve the symptoms of eczema. Peppermint can also be effective, as can rose geranium essential oil. But be careful to use them with care.

Grandmothers' remedies

To treat the symptoms of your dermatitis naturally , nothing like good old natural remedies from our grandmothers.

  • Baking soda diluted with water as a mask on the skin.
  • Drink herbal teas of burdock or wild pansy.
  • Use lavender essential oil.

Mistakes not to do

  • Keep skin moist.
  • Dry the skin with a towel, rubbing. Better dab!
  • Scratch! You will make redness and itching worse.