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Beauty trend:what is layering?

What if we made our beauty routine a lifestyle in its own right? This is precisely what layering offers, an Asian beauty ritual that continues to be emulated. A radiant complexion, porcelain skin:the benefits of face layering are a dream... but deserved.


What is layering?

Layering is a very sophisticated treatment protocol straight from Asia. We sometimes talk about "Korean layering “, sometimes of” Japanese layering ". In reality, it is a traditional approach to beauty born from a philosophy of life common to several Asian countries. It has been passed down there for centuries and takes the opposite view of the famous minimalist beauty routine.

What is the protocol?

In French, we could translate layering by:“millefeuille technique ". Because yes, the idea is to superimpose the layers of cosmetic products morning and evening. But be careful, not just anyhow:there is a very precise chronology to respect. The most famous routine contains no less than 7 steps , some go up to 9. Fortunately, the game is worth the effort.

What is the benefit of layering for the face?

If Korean layering is initially an art, it is now massively acclaimed for its virtues on the radiance of the complexion . Each cosmetic layer is supposed to potentiate the effects of the previous one and behave like a protective film . Thus protected from pollution and dehydration, the skin gradually gains in glow and in comfort .

The 4 golden rules for doing Korean layering like a pro

  • Carefully follow all the steps , without zapping. Each phase of the protocol brings a specific benefit to the skin and works in harmony with the one before.
  • Respect the order of application of the products . To succeed in your face layering, you always have to go gradually from the lightest to the heaviest textures.
  • Repeat your ritual every day, morning and evening . Layering may seem tedious at first glance, but it's incredibly addictive. In 10 minutes, the case is folded.
  • Be sure to choose your beauty products carefully. Adapt them to your skin type and your skin problems to get the most benefits from your yarrow.

The 7 key steps of layering for the face

1/ Removing make-up with an oil

The make-up removal step is only valid for the evening layering . It is advisable to carry it out even if you are not wearing makeup. Indeed, the skin accumulates product residues and pollution particles throughout the day. Oil make-up removal is ideal for clearing up without damaging the skin . This will prevent the thickening of your epidermis.

2/ Cleanse yourself with a foaming gel

Whether it is rinsed off or not, a cleansing oil can sometimes leave a thin oily film on the face. The objective of this stage of Japanese layering is to dissolve the last traces of fat to achieve perfectly clear skin. We therefore choose a cleanser that rinses with water. No more micellar water:better a cleansing gel or a dermatological bar .

3/ Apply lotion

Rinsing with tap water leaves limestone traces on your face . However, they are a source of discomfort, especially for sensitive skin. This is why face layering recommends continuing with a lotion. Apply it on a cotton pad and gently pass it over your face. Result:most of the residue is removed, your skin is ready to receive its care .

4/ Cover with a serum

The serum brings a first layer of active ingredients to the skin. It is there to stimulate the cells and target a specific skin problem. Be careful not to choose an oily serum, which is too heavy at this stage of Korean layering. Choose an aqueous serum , in gel or light fluid form. No need to have a heavy hand:a large pearl is enough to cover the entire face and neck.

Pure Pulp Neo Beauty Restoring Gel is your best ally for this step. Optimized for mature skin, its gel texture forms a lifting and protective film on the surface of the skin . Immediate beauty enhancement, without silicones.

5/ Take care of the eye area

The eye contour is a particularly thin area that requires special attention. Also, do not use a conventional face cream. Instead, select a good eye contour treatment . Wrinkles, puffiness, dark circles... To reduce them, a single watchword:delicacy in application. Evolve with tapping , without creasing your eyelids.

To be sure to apply your eye contour cream correctly, opt for the Eye Magic Anti-Wrinkle Gel. Very easy to handle, its brush tip provides a stimulating massage that optimizes the anti-aging benefits of the formula. Very gently!

6/ Moisturize your skin

If you have ever been aware of the benefits of hydration, you know this step well. Indoors and outdoors, day cream or night cream is essential. It assists the skin in its daily physiological processes, including protection and regeneration . Do you have very dry or atopic skin? Do not hesitate to seal everything with an oil .

7/ Finish with the lips

We tend to forget them. However, neglected lips quickly spoil a pretty face. To make your mouth the highlight of the show , systematically use a lip balm at the end of your Japanese layering. It will protect them from external aggressions while offering them softness and volume. Remember to overflow slightly to prevent wrinkles around the mouth.

Hair layering:love or leave?

Do you like face layering? Know that it is possible to go even further with… hair layering! The principle is exactly the same:you layer your yarrow-style treatments to optimize the vigor of your hair .

5 steps are enough to achieve a good hair layering :

1. Oil bath
2. Shampoo
3. Detangling treatment
4. Shine treatment
5. Styling