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What facial beauty routine to treat imperfections?

When you have skin prone to imperfections, it is essential to adapt your facial beauty routine. How to take care of blemish-prone skin? What are the right actions to take? What care to use? Veld's offers you a facial beauty routine to treat imperfections.

Our face beauty routine to fight against imperfections

Cleanse and exfoliate your skin to clear the way

Every good face beauty routine starts with a good cleansing of the skin! And yes, it is impossible to take care of your skin without first clearing it. Cleanse your skin morning and evening, after carefully removing make-up, if necessary.

For skin prone to blemishes, we prefer a gentle and non-aggressive cleanser . It is necessary to limit the risks of hyperseborrhea:if the cleanser is too aggressive or modifies the natural pH of the skin too much, the latter can respond by producing sebum to defend itself, which amplifies the appearance of pimples.

Along with cleansing the skin, exfoliate twice a week. Exfoliation eliminates dead cells and excess sebum, to prevent the appearance of imperfections. Limit this operation to twice a week maximum, so as not to damage your skin.

Use a moisturizer suitable for combination to oily skin

Skin prone to imperfections is often combination to oily skin. Why ? Because blackheads and comedones are often due to excess sebum . So-called “normal” skin produces water and lipids (therefore sebum) in equal parts. In oily skin, the production of water is normal, but that of sebum is too high.

On a daily basis, skin hydration must be part of your beauty routine to preserve the suppleness and comfort of your skin. Choose a light moisturizer during the day, so that your makeup holds. In the evening, opt for a deep hydration cream to regenerate the skin. Banish so-called “hydrating and nourishing” creams. A nourishing cream and a cream that brings lipids to the skin, and you already have excess. Your skin doesn't need to be nourished, just daily hydration.

Treat blemishes

In themselves, imperfections do not represent a danger to health. Simply, they create daily discomfort, inflammation of the skin, and in case of infection, they can be very painful. Of course, the aesthetic aspect also counts a lot, which is why it is necessary to incorporate treatment treatments against acne to your face beauty routine.

To treat imperfections, you need a treatment with antiseptic and healing properties. There are anti-aging serums with concentrated formulas, to be applied between cleansing and moisturizing cream. You can also find local treatments, to be applied only on imperfections.

For a natural solution, you can use tea tree essential oil :Put one to two drops on a cotton swab, then gently apply to imperfections. The tea tree will disinfect the pimple, dry it out, and help it heal quickly. Attention, essential oils should not be applied pure on healthy skin , only on imperfections. Do not apply too close to the mucous membranes. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, essential oils are contraindicated.

Betting on non-comedogenic makeup

For an effective face beauty routine, make-up must be as suitable for your skin as your skincare routine. For combination to oily skin with imperfections, we hunt for comedogenic products . These have a particularly dense texture, which clogs the pores, and causes the appearance of imperfections. This is the case with many foundations.

Choose a lightweight, non-comedogenic liquid foundation. If it is not enough coverage to hide imperfections, work locally using a concealer or a concealer brush.

To mattify the skin, you can apply a veil of powder to the T zone :forehead, nose, chin. Use a light hand so as not to clog the pores and to avoid the plastered appearance. To highlight your eyes, bet on an eyeliner and a waterproof mascara to prevent makeup from slipping throughout the day. If you want to put on eye shadow, use a fixing base before.

Finally, when during the day, combination to oily skin begins to shine, we tend to want to mattify with powder or foundation:a very bad reflex! By dint of adding layers, you will suffocate the skin, which will react by producing sebum. Prefer matting papers :small sheets of paper that absorb excess sebum, for an express touch-up, without adding material.

Understanding where imperfections come from:the key to your beauty routine!

An effective facial beauty routine is a beauty routine that takes into account the causes of imperfections. Even in those who naturally have oily and problem skin, it is still possible to improve the appearance of the skin. Several causes can cause imperfections:

  • A diet that is too fatty or too sweet
  • The use of treatments that are too aggressive or too rich
  • Pollution
  • Alcohol and tobacco consumption
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Stress

For a complete beauty routine, think about taking care of your lifestyle. Try to eat a varied diet , good hydration every day, and a regular sleep cycle . If you are stressed by nature, physical activity or the practice of meditation can help you to better control yourself.

To protect yourself from pollution and extreme temperatures, good hydration and weekly exfoliating treatments are essential!
Finally, if the imperfections are really severe, if you are unable to identify the cause or correct them treat, do not hesitate to turn to a dermatologist . There is now a whole range of treatments and possible interventions, even to treat very damaged skin.