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Beauty routine:How to take care of your sensitive skin?

Your skin is capricious, itchy, tight? Sun, pollution, wind, stress… Everything attacks it and you no longer know how to soothe it? Discover how to take care of your sensitive skin, with Veld's beauty routine:gentle beauty gestures, and appropriate treatments to regain soft and comfortable skin!

Better understand your sensitive skin

To take good care of your sensitive skin, you must first know how it works and what it needs. All skin types can be affected by sensitive skin (dry skin, oily skin or combination skin) as soon as the skin barrier is weakened .

The hydrolipidic film, which is unbalanced, does not sufficiently protect the skin, which is damaged under the effects of daily aggressions:pollution, the climate (heat, UV rays, temperature differences, etc.), excessively calcareous tap water, irritating or overly aggressive cosmetics, and even stress!

The skin then becomes more sensitive, drier, and redness , tightness , tingling or itching are quickly felt. To limit these feelings of discomfort, setting up a beauty routine for sensitive skin will help you regain radiant and soothed skin.

Our beauty routine for sensitive skin

A gentle cleansing in the morning

With sensitive skin, you have to bet on softness. In the morning, you can make do with a gentle lotion or floral water such as rose or chamomile water, ideal for delicate mature skin. They gently cleanse the skin, eliminate toxins released during the night as well as sebum, without unbalancing the skin barrier.

To avoid further irritating your skin, classic soaps should be avoided to the maximum:they attack the hydrolipidic film which protects the skin. If you still prefer cleaning with soap, choose one with neutral PH which is much more suitable for fragile skins.

Also limit cleaning with hot water and rinsing with tap water, which are extremely irritating to sensitive skin. Too concentrated in limestone and chlorine, the skin barrier is attacked. Bet on a spray of thermal water , ideal for rinsing the skin without irritating it .

For the evening, we do not skip the make-up removal box! At night, your skin needs to regenerate and oxygenate. To clear the way, a make-up remover oil will get rid of traces of make-up, pollution and dust:the pores are tightened and your skin can finally breathe!

Hydration adapted to your skin type

After cleansing, the epidermis needs to be hydrated morning and evening, whatever your skin type. Note that sensitive skin is not necessarily dry skin, it can also be oily or combination.

They all need a regular supply of water to maintain the balance of the hydrolipidic film which protects your skin from aggressions. However, not all of them need lipids:

  • for oily skin, we favor a light moisturizer,
  • and for dry skin, a nourishing moisturizer to maintain the lipid balance of the skin barrier.

To calm your reactive skin, choose treatments containing soothing active ingredients like the brède mafane. This natural active ingredient calms redness and reduces inflammation of the skin while reducing expression lines. You can find it in our Age Killer anti-aging cream . Thanks to its lifting and anti-inflammatory properties, your skin is toned and soothed!

Take care of the eye and lip contour

In your beauty routine for sensitive skin, you must not forget your eye and lip contour. This particularly fragile area reacts to the slightest aggression as the skin is so thin. Makeup, or rubbing your eyes when tired, are all factors that contribute to the appearance of puffiness and dark circles, but also to the appearance of crow's feet at the outer corner of the eye. .

The lip contour is also very sensitive and expression lines form there more quickly than on the rest of the face. Take care of those sensitive areas will allow you to find a toned and luminous face. To do so, bet on gentle eye contour care, with moisturizing and anti-aging active ingredients, such as our Eye Magic range. .

Protect your skin from aggressions

Your sensitive skin needs to be protected to better cope with external aggressions. The first reflex to adopt to take care of your sensitive skin:sunscreen. It protects you from sunburn and UVA rays which dry out the skin and accelerate skin aging . An index of 30 to 50 is ideal for the first exposures. You can then opt for lighter treatments, but don't forget the essentials:a hat and sunglasses!

Protecting yourself from pollution is also essential for mature skin, which is particularly fragile. Indeed, the effects of pollution on the skin can be catastrophic:weakened skin barrier, dull complexion, premature skin aging, dryness, more marked wrinkles... We therefore put on a detoxifying and protective mask, in order to eliminate toxins in the tissues and strengthen the hydrolipidic film.

A soothing mask to take care of sensitive skin

Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation, once or twice a week, by applying a moisturizing and soothing mask for 15 minutes. It is ideal for deeply moisturizing the skin, while calming irritations.

To help delicate mature skin, we have designed the Age 2 Anti-Aging Hydrating Mask. Y . Thanks to its formula based on hyaluronic acid and neutral silicone gel, your skin is deeply hydrated and wrinkles are reduced:the guarantee of soft, supple and comfortable skin every day!