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How to take care of your hair in winter?

The cold is setting in, the wind is blowing the dead leaves, the days are getting shorter, the sun and its heat are becoming increasingly rare, giving way to the sound of the rain... In short, winter is coming slowly, but surely ! Among the first reflexes, we bring out the big wool sweaters, hats and scarves, anything that can keep our body warm and at the same time prevent us from having dry and itchy skin. In this period, you have drier hair ? You have electric, dull and unruly hair as soon as you take off your hat? To finally know how to take care of your hair in winter , follow us!

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Why take care of your hair in summer and winter?

In summer we always have the reflex to moisturize our hair , because we know de facto that the sun, chlorine and sea water damage them. We are so well conditioned that we continue hair care when we return from vacation, until the start of the school year. If unfortunately we see that our lengths are very dry and damaged, we even set up natural routines to repair the hair and restore their lost vitality. In short, everything is under control! On the other hand, when winter arrives, we live our little life as if nothing had happened. Well, know that winter and its freezing cold are just as cruel to our hair as summer and its heat!

In winter, several factors can cause damage to hair, regardless of the type of hair you have! Among the pitiless hazards of winter towards our hair, we note:

  • the cold , of course,
  • the wind, long live the knots (or not),
  • snow and the rain.

Unfortunately, the list does not stop just at weather facts since we can add:

  • heated appliances (hair dryers, straighteners, curlers, etc.),
  • wool sweaters (hello static electricity),
  • wearing a cap,
  • the water is too hot in the shower,
  • the temperature variation between the heated interiors and the cold exterior,
  • fattier food (yes, it's raclette and tartiflette season, let's not forget!).
How to take care of your hair in winter?

All these misdeeds of winter lead to splits , brittle hair , dry hair , but also hair without volume and potentially dull . In short, it's the panoply that no one dreams of! To avoid ending up with damaged hair and non-recoverable, it is necessary to set up a good hair routine that will take care of the hair in winter. Lucky for you, we explain below how to take care of your hair in winter!

How to avoid damaging your hair in winter?

Taking care of your hair in winter starts with making compromises! Yes, even if it's cold, you shouldn't spend hours in a hot shower or your hair will be brittle. Water that is too hot tends to open the scales of the hair, which in itself is positive for the care products to penetrate well, but excessive water can really damage them! The little trick is to wash your hair with lukewarm water , to open the scales and finish with a jet of cold (or almost cold) water to close them and protect your hair .

Although the hair dryer is not recommended regardless of the season, in winter it is not forbidden to use it! If you are part of the shower team in the morning, you have to remember to dry your hair a little before going out in the cold. Under the effect of the cold, the water in the hair can swell until it breaks the hair fiber, and without this fiber the hair is dull, brittle and dry. To avoid getting there, two solutions:wash your hair in the evening or dry it in the morning. Be careful, on the drying side, you must set the hair dryer to a lukewarm temperature so as not to damage them! The must is still to dry them slowly with a microfiber towel or a bamboo towel.

Then, we avoid hats and woolen sweaters under penalty of being as electric as our fir garland! This material greatly promotes static electricity and tends to mess up our beautiful hair. In fact, static electricity is not bad for them, you just might juice them a little more often! However, if you notice that your hair stands up easily on your scalp, it's probably a lack of moisture.

How to take care of your hair in winter?

In general, try to avoid wearing a hat too often in winter . The friction and suffocation it causes is conducive to sebum production more important. This overproduction can lead to hair loss but also more regular shampoos! So the hat outside is ok but as soon as you get warm, remember to take it off!

Finally, remember to take care of your lifestyle! A healthy body in a healthy mind for healthy hair , Does it ring a bell ? In winter, fill up with vitamins and fats essential to the good balance of your body. Also remember to drink plenty of water!

How to take good care of your hair in winter?

Care for your hair during the winter period it also involves using the right products for:

  • clean them (organic shampoos),
  • nourish them (masks and conditioners with nourishing and radiance-boosting ingredients),
  • hair them (wide tooth combs and natural fiber brushes),
  • dry them (cotton or microfiber towels),
  • protect them (nourishing serums, thermoprotectors, etc).

In short, we favor natural care to maintain our hair! We don't hesitate either to cut the split ends (that, you can't make up for it despite all the will in the world) and to stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp with massages to accelerate growth. We recommend the following treatments:

Which products to choose to deeply moisturize your hair?

To deeply moisturize your hair nothing better than raw nourishing care! Among the best, vegetable butters (shea butter, cocoa butter) or vegetable oils (olive oil, argan oil). These raw ingredients are ideal for making oil baths to intensely nourish the hair. Be careful not to abuse it, otherwise you will have sticky hair!

Caring for hair in winter it simply involves setting up a hair routine that uses the right products! Don't forget to eat a balanced diet, opt for lukewarm showers, optimal hair drying and winter-friendly materials.

Ask us your questions in the comments! :)