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Take care of your mature skin

Take care of your mature skin by moisturizing it

If it is from the age of 30 that the skin begins to lose its vitality, the denomination “mature skin” mainly concerns people over 50. Indeed, it evolves and thus has new specific needs. It is then necessary to treat the slackening of the skin, the wrinkles and the spots that appear. Don't panic, Nuoo will guide you to take good care of your mature skin !

Mature skin, like oily or dry skin, has specific needs. Most often, they are very dehydrated. It is therefore necessary to find a day cream that hydrates, evens out the complexion and activates cell renewal! That's good, we have some organic cosmetics on our shop that will help you take care of your mature skin . We think in particular of the Age Defense Time Miracle cream, from Madara . It is specially designed for mature skin, and, icing on the cake, it is Vegan certified.

Also discover the OCHID youth face oil, offered by Herbivore Botanicals. This roll-on is composed of precious oils and intensely nourishes your skin. Easy to apply, it increases its elasticity and has an antioxidant action. In addition, its application allows you to massage your face. Do not hesitate to nourish your skin morning and evening and to remove your makeup!

The eye contour:not to be neglected!

The eyes are often the first to be affected by the signs of aging. Thus, NUOO advises you to use a product specifically dedicated to this function. Why not the PHB Ethical Beauty anti-aging gel? Its active ingredients increase the production of collagen while moisturizing the very fine skin around the eye. This natural product also has regenerating, repairing and anti-inflammatory properties, perfect for taking care of your mature skin !

Don't forget your hands

Hands also deserve your full attention! Remember to moisturize them with a hand cream. If you particularly suffer from stains on your skin, find Cattier's anti-stain hand cream, a brand that you regularly find in our organic beauty boxes! This is enriched with Sea Lily, which particularly targets pigment spots and reduces them.

Sun and tobacco:the No. 1 enemies of your mature skin

More generally, to take care of your mature skin , several tips can be followed. First, sun exposure should be avoided between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. It is indeed a factor accelerating the aging of the skin. Don't forget to put on protective sunscreen. Tobacco is also a harmful factor for the skin, since it decreases the oxygenation of the cells.

Taking care of your mature skin:lifesaving gestures

Our final tip is about how to apply your cream . And yes, there are gestures to adopt to make your skincare penetrate well, while firming your skin! Start by applying the product on the nose, smooth it on the cheeks and go up on the temples then the forehead. Then place your hands on your chin and stretch the product up to your neck, always in this direction.

Once the cream is well spread, proceed with the "tapotement":gently pat your entire face, from bottom to top, with your fingertips. This gesture is very good for activating blood circulation and re-oxygenating the tissues. Finally, gently pinch your cheeks to firm them up and make them rosy:healthy glow effect guaranteed!