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Adapt your beauty routine to winter

The end of the year is approaching, the new year will soon be at our doorstep. But the cold will also be there. And it seems that it is already beginning to settle, bringing us closer and closer to the freezing winter.

Good news for frost and snow lovers, but a real problem for your skin. Indeed, the thermal shock is not its great ally and even less for sensitive skin .

But don't panic, by adapting your beauty routine well to the extreme cold, your skin will be able to emerge unscathed from the harshest winters !

Why should you adapt your beauty routine?

The onset of extreme cold alters the structure of the skin, which becomes more sensitive and fragile due to variations in interior and exterior temperatures. Autumn gestures are therefore no longer enough to keep skin so flawless, hence the need to adapt new treatments to this drastic change in temperature.

It is important to take good care of your skin to adopt organic gestures and skincare products in harmony with the season . Building a beauty routine adapted to your needs to care for, nourish and moisturize your skin daily and make it glow, that is our challenge.

Your greatest ally:hydration

Of course, any beauty routine that wants to be complete contains many steps. Make-up removal, exfoliation, mask, day cream, night cream, sunscreen, they all need to be revised for winter. However, the essential and most important remains hydration. It is the key to taking good care of yourself during the winter.

The cold causes a slowing down of blood circulation near your skin, a reduction in sebum production is felt and less sebum causes much drier skin and therefore more sensitive. To overcome it, we advise you to adopt more moisturizing care than the rest of the year.

For the face, neck and décolleté a richer organic day cream such as Esthetica Pure Nature's Organic Soothing Night Cream will be preferable. For serum enthusiasts, you can also add a few drops of Rendez-vous Nature's organic blue oil detoxifying serum to your morning ritual.

To maintain a healthy glow and reduce dark circles:use Patyka's BIO Energizing Eye Care. an anti-fatigue radiance treatment that illuminates the eyes and greatly contributes to the hydration of this very sensitive area.

These recommendations also apply to your entire body on a daily basis. Choose a richer organic body cream such as ESTHETICA PURE NATURE cream enriched with Sacha Inqi oil or even an organic body oil such as organic jojoba oil to maintain a hydrated hydrolipidic layer throughout the day.

The lips, hands and feet also need special attention to avoid redness or cracking. Morning and evening, pamper them with an organic treatment enriched with restorative active ingredients such as the Folies Royales Bio beeswax hand cream. It repairs and nourishes hands damaged by the cold.

Other steps and treatments can also be combined with your special winter routine:make-up removal with non-comedogenic oils or a gentle exfoliation once a week and even skincare repairers for your brittle hair due to the cold...

There are many good gestures, and it's up to you to adopt and adapt them to your skin's needs. Most of the treatments presented above are present in our beauty boxes of the month called "Christmas Magic"

We wish you a great winter and we hope to see you very soon for great discoveries!