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Skincare routine for winter

Winter is here ! The cold sets in and with it the dry skin caused by heating, clogged pores, cracks, etc. When the climate becomes more hostile, moisturizing the skin is no longer enough. It is therefore important to adopt a new beauty care routine for the winter. Much richer, our winter beauty care routine protects your skin!

Why is our skin more fragile in winter?

The change between the cold outside and the heat inside our apartments is brutal and violent for our skin. This change dehydrates the skin, reduces the production of sebum and freezes the lipids essential for protecting and moisturizing the skin. Faced with this, the skin is tight, rough and ends up itchy.

To protect our most important internal organs, our body is ready for anything! Much of the heat in our body is produced by the activity of our organs and muscles, this heat is then redistributed through the circulation. To maintain heat, our body triggers a vasoconstriction, the arteries retract to maintain heat and redirect it to our organs that need it most.

To take care of your skin in winter, you have to adapt your skincare routine. It is advisable to opt for treatments richer in active ingredients. For this, we have concocted a special winter care routine to pamper your skin!

The skincare routine to adopt

The minimal make-up remover oil[list]

The first step to take care of your skin in winter is to clean it morning and evening, and remove make-up. As the skin is more sensitized and weakened, this step must be carried out gently. To remove make-up from your skin, a make-up remover oil is recommended. Enriched with vegetable oils, our minima[list] cleansing oil gently and deeply cleanses your skin to remove even waterproof makeup! Our oil removes impurities while hydrating and nourishing the skin. You can also accompany your make-up removal with a facial massage thanks to our Gua Sha to facilitate the blood circulation of your face.

Minimal day and night care oil[list]

Once your skin is cleansed, it's time to nourish it. In winter, choose much richer and "greasy" oils that act as a protective film against external aggressions. That's good, we offer 3 morning and evening care oils for combination skin, sensitive skin and mature skin! Our care oils quickly penetrate the skin to nourish it without leaving a greasy finish!

Minimal moisturizing face scrub[list]

The cold air in winter causes the skin to dry out, preventing the natural fall of dead cells and clogging the pores. It is therefore important to eliminate dead cells to avoid having a dull complexion. To do this, use a scrub once or twice a week to get rid of dead cells and bring softness and radiance to your skin. Our gentle moisturizing face scrub removes impurities and dead cells and unclogs pores for smooth, luminous skin. Formulated with a fine apricot powder, it gently exfoliates your skin without irritating it.

Repairing balm for minimal dry areas[list]

When your skin is dealing with superficial lesions such as small cuts or dry patches caused by the cold, our dry patches repair balm is there! This multi-purpose balm can be applied to the face, body and even the hair. With its vanilla-coconut scent, our balm acts like a bandage and offers softer, soothed skin upon application.

So ready to face this season? What do you think of our products? ? We are waiting for your opinions on our social networks!