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My skincare routine for beautiful skin every day

Facial care:identify your skin type

Oily, combination or even acne-prone skin, dry skin, atopic skin… each type of skin requires a different care routine, hence the importance of knowing your epidermis to have beautiful skin. In general, all skin types can be maintained without the help of a doctor, except for major problems such as acne, eczema, rosacea, etc. To eradicate these chronic skin diseases, it is important to make an appointment with a dermatologist who takes you seriously. Even mild acne can leave permanent scars on the skin!

What are the care steps to follow?

To make sure I have beautiful skin, I clean it and remove make-up daily with a treatment adapted to my skin type. I prefer organic or pharmacy products to consumer products, which are often much less effective. I always wear sunscreen (to avoid the appearance of spots and slow down skin aging), and I force myself to choose a non-aggressive makeup for my skin. For this, I avoid comedogenic formulas (which clog pores), and I learn to decipher the labels. Note that the products of major perfumeries are not always the most beneficial for the skin... From the age of 30, I can decide to wear daily a day care with vitamin C, as well as a care with fruit acids the next day. evening. Be careful though:these products are photosensitizing. At 40, I treat myself to a peeling or hyaluronic acid treatments, certainly expensive but very effective against wrinkles.

What occasional care for my skin?

Once a week, I treat myself to a face mask adapted to my skin type. To have beautiful skin, I can also do a weekly exfoliation to unclog the pores in depth, and thus improve the effectiveness of my daily care. If I have an electric facial cleansing brush, I only use it once a week, or daily for a short period of time if my complexion is dull. Even if one chooses a soft brush, this method may be too stripping in the long term for the skin. From time to time, I go to the hammam, spa, sauna to eliminate toxins from the skin tissue. A professional skin cleansing can be carried out in an institute or at a dermatologist, to eliminate blackheads, microcysts and other impurities that it is better to avoid dislodging on your own.

Beautiful skin care routine:what about my diet?

A point as important as a good care routine:good eating habits! To have beautiful skin, I hydrate myself regularly. Do not forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day to avoid having dry skin and dull complexion. I enrich my diet with antioxidants by regularly consuming kiwi, red fruits, green tea, and I reduce alcohol, cigarettes and coffee. Also, if I have oily skin, I limit fast sugars to a minimum as well as fats known to cause inflammation of the skin, such as those contained in peanuts.