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7 foods for beautiful skin

The tomato

Its virtues. It is the richest food in lycopene, an antioxidant which reinforces the protection of the skin against UV rays (but does not dispense with protecting against them) and pollution.

At table. It is in sauce (homemade!) that lycopene is best assimilated. The heat of cooking releases it and adding a drizzle of oil (olive, rapeseed, linseed) makes it available for the skin.

The carrot

Its virtues. It is super rich in beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that activates cell renewal and repairs skin tissue. Bonus:it warms the natural color of the skin.

At table. Raw, it is twice as rich in beta-carotene (and its glycemic index is lower than when cooked). Half a carrot a day is enough.

The kiwi

Its virtues. It is a super source of vitamin C, which helps the skin to defend itself against free radicals, boosts cutaneous microcirculation and participates in the synthesis of collagen (the support mattress of the dermis).

At table. A kiwi every day brings the right dose of vitamin C. And if we want to vary? We turn to orange (1 per day), mango, strawberries...

Oily fish

their virtues. Salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines… are rich in omega-3. These fatty acids strengthen the skin barrier to fight against dehydration and preserve the suppleness of the skin, and have an anti-inflammatory action. And for those allergic to fish? There is lamb’s lettuce, eggs, rapeseed or linseed oil and nuts…

At table. We eat it at least twice a week. Good to know:canned foods preserve omega-3s, as long as you taste the olive oil that accompanies them.


Its virtues. It is the richest seafood in zinc and selenium. Zinc boosts skin renewal, promotes healing and fights inflammatory acne, while selenium protects the cell membrane. Not a fan of oysters? We opt for shellfish, fish, seaweed or even mushrooms, eggs and poultry liver. Bonus:zinc also contributes to healthy hair.

At table. It would take an intake of 8 mg of zinc per day, or 1 or 2 oysters. As we do not eat it every day, we alternate with other sources. Avoid consuming wholemeal bread, soy or corn at the same time, otherwise the zinc is not assimilated.

The almond

Its virtues. It is the richest oilseed in vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects cell membranes. It is also a good source of omega 3, a "good fat" that preserves the skin's hydration.

At table. We eat about twenty almonds a day, with the skin (the part richest in antioxidants).

Green tea

Its virtues. Thanks to its high content of polyphenols (more than 30%), green tea is a powerful antioxidant that helps the skin defend itself against free radicals. It also helps to detoxify the body and therefore, to clarify the complexion.

At table. We opt for whole tea leaves or powdered matcha tea, to drink once a day.

Thanks to Dr Nadine Pomarède, dermatologist and author of My beautyfood notebook (Marabout editions).