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10 foods for beautiful hair

We can never say it enough:what we eat has an impact on our body, but also on our skin and hair. We may take all the food supplements in the world, if we do not eat properly, it is difficult to hope to have perfect skin or hair in great shape. A look back at 10 foods that help you have a dreamy mane.

1/ Green vegetables

To believe that they are good for everything… Green vegetables such as spinach, kale, Swiss chard, broccoli or arugula are a good source of minerals, proteins and vitamins (A, C, E and K ) essential for healthy growing hair. Whether consumed in the form of soup, smoothie or raw, the main thing is to consume them regularly.

2/ Chia seeds

Sources of good fats (the famous omega-3s), chia seeds boost blood circulation in the scalp, which ensures better nutrition for the hair follicles. And as they are rich in antioxidants, they reinforce the protection of the fiber against pollution. Good to know:salmon, sardines and trout are also good sources of omega-3s.

3/ Pumpkin seeds

They are a source of vitamin B8, biotin, which boosts growth and strengthens fiber, but also of vitamin C, which contributes to the production of sebum to nourish the hair.

4/ Sweet potato

In addition to being delicious, the sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which allows you to have hair in great shape by stimulating the production of sebum which comes to nourish the fiber (well, we are d OK, if you have greasy hair, avoid it!).

5/ Almonds

Almonds have multiple benefits, among them being a source of magnesium. And who says lack of magnesium says ridged nails and more significant hair loss (because magnesium helps fight against the stress responsible for hair loss). So, a handful of almonds a day as a snack and we have beautiful hair!

6/ Beer

No wonder when you know the capsules of brewer's yeast. But what makes beer so good for the hair? Well it is naturally rich in silica, a mineral that improves blood circulation in the scalp. And it is in the beers richest in hops that we find the highest quantity of silica. Chin!

7/ Hot water

Water is obviously vital for the proper functioning of the body, but also to maintain the hydration of the hair. At the body level, water allows the elimination of toxins and facilitates the circulation of nutrients, especially at the level of the hair follicles. Why hot water? Well, simply because water that is too cold can cause the stomach to contract, which results in poor digestion (not great for the hair to get the nutrients it needs). If you don't like herbal teas or hot water with lemon, we prefer water at room temperature.

8/ Lenses

To have beautiful hair, it is important to have a good source of protein and iron (people with anemia usually have thin, flat hair). If you eat meat, you can find it in red meat, but if you are a vegetarian, you can eat lentils for the same benefits!

9/ Eggs

Keratin, the main constituent of hair and nails, and a protein. And to make it, the body needs protein, of which the egg is an excellent source. Another good point:like pumpkin seeds, eggs are rich in vitamin B8.

10/ Pollen

Not necessarily well known, fresh pollen is a good source of minerals, antioxidants and vitamin B. In short, a very interesting cocktail for the hair! You can buy it online or frozen. It is advisable to start with small doses to check that you are not allergic.