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5 foods to strengthen hair

With winter, we stay at home, we hardly do sports, we no longer eat very balanced and it shows... on our hair? Eh yes ! They don't look like anything anymore, they're all flattened, dull... in short, it's a disaster. The good news is that we can strengthen them and give them a little boost just by eating good foods that are already in our cupboards. Let's eat!

1/ Eggs

Because they are rich in zinc and iron, they allow the proper circulation of oxygen in the body (and this, to the hair!), which also helps to counteract seasonal hair loss. They also contain vitamin A, which helps regenerate the scalp. So boiled, scrambled or fried, we don't hesitate!

2/ Vegetable oils

We know the use of oils in hair masks (to leave on overnight the day before shampooing), but integrated into our diet, they are also beneficial for hair growth, because they promote good blood circulation. Whether you prefer sesame oil, walnut oil or the most classic olive oil, it's all about consuming it regularly (a teaspoon a day is good!).

3/ The fish

A must, which is good for the body, but also for the taste buds, is fish. It contains the classic omega-3s, vitamin D and proteins, to ensure radiant skin (that's not bad!). Its hidden asset? It contains a keratin derivative (from the amino acid family) which makes up the hair fiber (and nails), and helps strengthen them from the root!

4/ Nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc.)

A source of vitamin E, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios or even almonds can be useful in protecting our hair from the sun, whose UV rays weaken the fiber in all seasons. And since UV rays also tend to fade the color (natural or not), eating nuts regularly helps keep it radiant and luminous!

5/ Chocolate

Yes, you read that right:chocolate is good for the hair! It contains iron which, just like proteins, allows good oxygen transfer and also ensures super regrowth. This is the ultimate excuse not to deprive yourself at Christmas:we are preparing our mermaid hair for next summer. Well, the only downside is that the chocolate that is recommended is as dark as possible (what do you mean, Ferrero Rochers don't count?!).

More than ever, beauty comes through the plate!