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These foods to avoid at all costs to avoid greasy hair!

It's normal to have oily hair from time to time:with hormones, stress or heat, excess sebum quickly happens. However, if it persists, turn to your diet, it may be the problem!

The impact of our diet on our hair…

To reverse the trend and regain beautiful hair, it is important to watch your diet. As the famous hair stylist explains American Tierre Tubbs on Bustle , paying attention to what you eat means taking care of your hair:"I have always insisted on the importance of a balanced diet, because it has no influence only on our well-being, but also on the quality of the hair. For me, there is no doubt that hair health is dependent on our diet. My clients on a low carb, low sugar diet can feel the difference in their hair right away “.

So you know what you have to do to avoid having too greasy hair. To help you in this process, today we give you the list of some foods to consume in moderation to produce less sebum and you will have mermaid hair!

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