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Hair:all the solutions to our problems! #1

Split ends? We adopt cutting-edge serums

Bad hair day. The “tie &dye” shot my tips:discolored by several tones, they now have a foamy appearance. Help! No matter how much oil you put on, it just makes it shine.

Happy day. Like the skin, the hair also has the right to its fillers. There are serums that deliver two complementary treatments (a reconstructive gel + a resurfacing cream) in a single product (at Kérastase, L'Oréal Paris, etc.). Their mission:to target damaged areas and "cement" the surface to make it smooth.

The right gesture. Every day before styling, apply a dab of care to the ends, smoothing with your fingers.

Are they fuzzy and super soft? We think gel and foam

Bad hair day. It's clear:they're sulking. It shows in their flat, bleak looks. They are fleeting between the fingers, frothy, too elusive to be tamed. In question ? An unbalanced diet (well, a cure of royal jelly rich in vitamin B5), stress and climatic variations (going from a heated atmosphere to a cold one and vice versa).

Happy day. To counter the “weeping willow” effect, rinse your hair with a jet of cool water (the cold straightens the scales like a tutor), then apply a toning lotion to the scalp. With a comb, distribute a dab of soft gel or texturizing mousse on damp hair and dry in the cold air.

The right gesture. Hot air tends to "soften" the hair, so always dry gently and with cold air, it's also a good way to avoid making them electric.

Help! My buns are always messed up! We work with brush and lacquer

Bad hair day. Banana, sauerkraut or pretzel:same fight. Each time, it's a mess, the locks stick out and the bun falls apart. When that doesn't make us ten years older.

Happy day. Here is the recipe for the perfect and unmistakable chignon in 5 minutes flat:we tie a ponytail at the top of the head, we separate it into 4 equal locks, we crepe one by one with a fine comb and hairspray (it triples the volume). They are then delicately wrapped around the base of the elastic, without tightening to keep volume. We fix with bobby pins.

The right gesture. Brush your hair, lacquer it with Elnett (without crimping), rebrush, repaint… to increase the volume (and calm the frizz). We tie them in a high ponytail, brush and then smooth the tip with plates.

Bonus tip. To transform your bun into an evening brushing:untie, brush and lacquer again, twist into a small bun (without tightening too much, it must be airy), re-lacquer and dry 3 min in a hot dryer, then cold. Wait 20 min and untie.

With the advice of Stéphane Lancien, hairdresser-expert L’Oréal Paris, David Lucas (salon David Lucas en Aparté, 20 rue Danielle Casanova 75002 Paris), and Patrick Gaveau for Rino De Nicolo.