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Hair:the chocolate-purple trend

When you are brunette, it is difficult to innovate in terms of coloring. The trend has been for several years to lighten the hair by several tones, for a “sun” effect, like the shade. But recently, it seems that young women around the world are craving color! After the Graffiti Hair and the Hidden Rainbow (a rainbow hidden under the hair!), here is the chocolate-mauve that goes perfectly with autumn!

Subtle purple tones

Created by Hannah Edelman, a hairstylist based in New York, the color is not as easy to achieve as it seems. The pro mixed red, yellow, and green to achieve the brown undertones (see photo below), then added orange and purple to achieve the mauve highlights. An entire program ! But the result, very subtle, is superb and is easy to wear every day. For those who are already conquered, rest assured:there is an easier way to obtain a similar result, as explained by the site Popsugar . Just ask your colorist for a sweep (you have to bleach brown hair so that the color takes), then a mauve toner (toner is a semi-permanent color that whitens the hair after it has been yellowed by bleaching ) and finally a coloring composed of chestnut and mauve tones.

And you can also use the “I want it like in the picture” technique, it’s just as effective. So, chocolate-purple, would you like it?