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The "gingerbread" coloring warms the hair in winter

Each year, the winter hair trend is confirmed:no more dull colors, the general desire is for light and warm reflections. In January 2017, many brunettes were tempted by the "Tiger's Eye" color, the name of which refers to a variety of quartz with irresistible orange shades. The principle of lightening a few strands for a punchier result is back in fashion during this cold period, but this time we're betting on a little more subtlety:"gingerbread" coloring (or more precisely "latte gingerbread flavor” as it is called across the Atlantic) is gaining more and more followers.

A soft and sophisticated rendering

How is this perfect hairstyle for the season defined? The base, of a "black coffee" color, is dotted with slightly coppery reflections (which remind them of the color of gingerbread), like when you add milk to your coffee and different shades of brown appear, 'after the site PopSugar . The smooth and ultra-sophisticated finish warms up any complexion and will convince women who want to change their look without overdoing it. We leave you with some examples spotted on Instagram and which can serve as a model for your hairdresser. The most beautiful to go dancing (on the occasion of the New Year), it will be you!