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The coloring dictionary #3

Brightening background

This term refers to the amount of melanin that remains in the fiber once bleaching has been performed. The larger it is, the less melanin remains.

Clear. When you go from brown to platinum, the background of lightening is very great.


It is the natural oxidation of the hair, which causes the color to fade over time. We can't prevent it but we limit the damage by using specific products for colored hair (without sulphates).

Clear. A faded color looks dull and lackluster.


It is an acid coloring (=on the surface of the fibre) which arises once the color is rinsed out, to bring, accentuate or correct a reflection. It can also be neutral and only bring shine.

Clear. This is the final step to adjust the rendering of a coloring.

Neutralize a reflection

We minimize a reflection that we want to get rid of by boosting the opposite reflection.

Clear. Copper blonde + iridescent patina =neutral blonde (barely copper).

Warming up a color

It is the action of saturating the hair with pigments to (re)give pep to a faded color.

Clear. To redo its color is to warm it up.

Thanks to Frédéric Mennetrier, L’Oréal Professional color consultant.