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The secrets of greasy hair shampoos

Oily hair :many of us are affected by this hair particularity… which is far from being inevitable! Hair that gets greasy quickly requires a shampoo suitable for oily hair. Using the right product, natural hair care and a suitable organic shampoo can solve the problem of oily hair. In the shampoo of natural origin, the plants selected and recognized for their effects, make it possible to regulate the excess of sebum which is at the origin of greasy hair and to restore your hair to all its shine! Have you ever tried NUOO's organic and natural cosmetics? Explanations and tips in this article.

What are the main causes of oily hair?

The main cause of oily hair is excess sebum . How not to have oily hair? you ask us. We explain everything to you!

Sebum is naturally produced by the scalp , it is a natural fat that has several essential functions:protecting the skin, but also nourishing and moisturizing the hair. This explains why a sebum cure from time to time can be beneficial for the hair...It is the excess sebum (also called seborrhea) that makes the hair tend to be greasy.

What causes excess sebum? Too much sebum can be explained by various causes, both internal (puberty, menstrual cycle, unbalanced diet, poor lifestyle, stress, etc.) and external (pollution, shampoo not suited to your hair type or condition). other hair products and care – conditioner etc. containing sulphates and silicone, frequent coloring of your hair, …). Without forgetting, the frequent use of the hair dryer, too hot water (prefer rather cold water or lukewarm water to wash and rinse your hair), as well as frequent brushing of the hair...

To remedy the problem of greasy hair, we often tend to carry out repetitive and too frequent washing of the hair, without that changing much... Washing your hair every day may not be the right thing to do. solution. It is better to choose the right shampoo!

Why opt for an oily hair shampoo?

To put an end to hair that grows greasy quickly, you can act on several grounds. You can try to have a healthy diet and have a better lifestyle. But the first step is probably to adopt a natural shampoo suitable for oily hair ! There are natural solutions to combat oily hair.

Why is it important to use a suitable shampoo? A natural and organic shampoo for oily hair will not be harsh on your scalp. On the contrary, organic shampoo gently cleanses the hair. These shampoos for oily hair of natural origin are often PH neutral and ultra gentle. Result:the secretion of sebum will be reduced and your hair will regain all its vitality and shine!

So if you want beautiful hair, opt for a certified organic mild shampoo. If necessary, you can apply a nourishing treatment only to the ends of your hair.

How to choose an organic and natural shampoo for quickly regreasing hair?

To choose your shampoo for oily scalp , start by checking that it is soft and does not contain sulphates or silicone. This is the case for oily hair shampoos from the NUOO brand.

A solid shampoo and 100% natural can also be the solution. It's eco-friendly and good for your hair.

Prefer organic and natural cosmetics and hair care with the virtues of plants recognized for their effect of "cleansing" oily hair (for example, a shampoo with nettles or oat milk, chamomile, sage, rosemary, seaweed...). Preferably, choose a certified organic oily hair shampoo.

A suitable natural shampoo will prevent you from frequent use of hair products and will make your hair healthy. The special oily hair organic shampoo can be used once or twice a week. You can complete your ritual with a clay mask that is very beneficial for hair that gets greasy quickly. Conditioners are not recommended for oily hair because they smother the hair fiber. You can add other suitable essential oil-based treatments to your ritual, for example, which will be more suitable for the lengths and points and not for the roots.

Where to find an organic natural shampoo for greasy hair? You can buy organic shampoos for hair that tends to regrease quickly in specialized stores, pharmacies and drugstores, supermarkets.