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How not to have oily hair? - NUOO

How not to have oily hair?

Can't go more than 48 hours without washing your hair? Do you often tie up your hair to camouflage its shiny, not to say greasy appearance? Don't worry, you're not the only one in this case, and solutions exist!

In addition to organic and natural cosmetics and the use of proper hair care, a few good habits can help you fight oily hair . So be careful about the shampoos you use, like those offered by NUOO, but also adopt the right routine.

Why does hair tend to get greasy quickly?

Before solving a problem, you need to know its causes:if your hair is oily, it's because of excess sebum on your scalp. This substance is essential for hydrating the hair, but when it is too present, it suffocates the hair fiber which can no longer absorb it, creating that shiny and unattractive appearance.

Several reasons can explain this excess of sebum, including hormonal problems and heredity . But diet, the use of aggressive cosmetic products, pollution or too intensive washing can also make hair oily more quickly.

What to do against oily hair?

Finding beautiful, healthy hair full of vitality is possible even if you have long suffered from an excessively oily scalp! And contrary to what you might think, all it takes is a few small daily changes to achieve this.

Find the right shampoo and hair care

Have you ever wondered if you are using a washing product that is right for your hair? Indeed, an oily hair shampoo is not always THE solution. Some are too chemical and harsh and tend to alter the pH, leading you into a vicious cycle. The most important thing is therefore to choose a mild shampoo, certified organic , or at least of natural origin. Solid or liquid shampoo, the choice is yours, NUOO offers many references of organic oily hair shampoos!

If your ends are also oily, you can only use this shampoo for washing your hair. On the other hand, with dry ends, this type of shampoo must be completed with a moisturizing or nourishing treatment on the ends , to avoid drying them out even more.

In addition to the shampoo suitable for oily hair, which cleanses, you can occasionally apply a mask for oily hair on your scalp, which specially treats the sebum problem. There are ready-made organic and natural cosmetics, but you can also make it yourself, using clay for example.

Learn how to wash, dry and style your hair

Put a large knob of shampoo in your hand and rub for long minutes to get ultra clean hair:bad idea! To avoid oily hair, it is useless to use a large quantity of shampoo and above all, it is counterproductive to rub the scalp . It will rather attack it and cause the production of sebum, just like too frequent washing.
So take care to massage gently, under temperate water , and not too hot. Heat tends to harm the hair, including when drying and styling. This is why frequent use of a hair dryer or straighteners is not recommended for healthy hair.

And when it comes to styling, also go gently on brushing . The more you brush and put your hands in the hair, the faster it will grease. The choice of brush or comb (and its regular cleaning!) is also important. Choose natural products and boar hair, which you will find among NUOO's hair accessories.

Review certain aspects of your lifestyle

To have beautiful soft and shiny hair, but not shiny, you will have understood that the use of an organic shampoo and good habits in the shower are essential. But do not believe that a miracle cosmetic product will overcome your oily hair, and do not neglect your health from a more global point of view. Yes, for example, your diet plays a role ! Very fatty and sugary foods, like alcohol, tend to promote the production of sebum, and therefore oily hair. It is therefore better to move towards "good fats", fruits, vegetables, fish , etc., in short, everything that is good for your whole body.
Similarly, tobacco is not known to help hair gain vitality and beauty... So you know what you have to do!