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How to have pretty feet?

A little attention every day prolongs the youth and well-being of the feet.

Every day:
– Finish your shower with a jet of cool water on the feet, below, above and on the calves.
– Cream yourself, preferably using a special foot treatment (more emollient ). Again, above, below, emphasizing the nails and heels, and avoiding putting cream between the toes. Perform upward movements, going up towards the ankle to stimulate venous return.
– Take off your shoes when you return from work. If possible, relax for a few minutes by raising your legs above your heart, leaning against a wall for example.

Once a week:
– Cut your nails slightly rounded to avoid the famous ingrown toenail.

Rasp or no grater?

This instrument being very abrasive, it should not be abused, especially since by exerting new pressure on the foot, you risk the formation of a new horn! Quite the opposite of what you want!

To keep your feet soft and beautiful...

Buy your new pairs of shoes at the end of the day, when the legs and feet are the most swollen to avoid being too tight afterwards in the new model.

Wipe thoroughly between your toes when you get out of the shower. The number one enemy of the foot is moisture!

Apply sunscreen to prevent sunburn and the photoaging effects of radiation. We often forget the feet!

Do not abuse the grater and other pumice stones under the pretext of removing dead skin and callus.

Don't forget the existence of your feet during the winter because they are not shown! Or, take a week's vacation in the sun in the middle of winter and step outside in style!

Don't leave chipped polish on the toes. You are better than that!

Excerpt from Doctor, I want to be the prettiest! by Dr. Olivier Courtin-Clarins, Marabout editions, €10.