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White hair:9 foods to delay their appearance

Ahhh grow up. We are getting older, wrinkles, and some white hair. We mature and our tastes in beauty evolve. No matter how much we change, what does not change is our love for our hair. There is nothing more satisfying than having beautiful, healthy hair. What if you have white hair is inevitable, some of us sometimes have a little more difficulty to get through . So, here are 9 foods to consume to delay the appearance of your white hair and give your color extra time.

White hair:how do they appear?

The color of our skin, body hair and hair is linked to our melanin level . Melanin pigment can be black-brown or yellow-red and is produced by cells called melanocytes. With age, these melanocytes stop working and no longer transmit pigments to our hair, which ends up turning white . If this is the normal process, there are other reasons for white hair to appear. Some people have it from a young age, and for good reason. White hair is also linked to stress . It triggers the production of cortisols, which can cause many inconveniences for our body by preventing the vagus nerve from functioning properly. When all these functions are clogged, stress sets in and promotes the appearance of white hair . Finally, your white hair can also be genetic . If your parents or grandparents had white hair relatively early, it is difficult for you to escape it.

White hair:foods that slow down their appearance

To your pens, here are the foods that you will love to put on your shopping list. If unfortunately, we cannot slow down the aging of our cells, it is however possible to act on our nervous system. For this, it is therefore necessary to favor foods rich in omega-3 , magnesium , in vitamin B , in potassium as well as zinc and iron . It may sound like a lot of minerals, but what your hair needs to stay young and fresh Longer. They are found in essential foods, but which we can sometimes forget to buy. As a result, from now on, grass fish s, avocado, bananas, chickpeas and spinach will be distinguished guests in your meals. To pamper your hair with delicacy, fall for almonds and dark chocolate. The drinks are not without leftovers, since the mineral waters and green tea will be our allies to delay the appearance of white hair.