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Wrinkles:12 daily gestures that promote their appearance

Crow's feet, frown lines, fine lines:what are the different facial wrinkles

As you age, fine lines begin to form on your face. These are superficial folds that only form on the surface of the skin. The wrinkles are deeper and indicate that the skin is no longer as elastic or firm as before.

Expression lines are among the folds that form on the face. These are crow's feet at the corners of the mouth, marigold wrinkles on the forehead, frown lines that grows between the eyebrows and nasolabial folds from the corners of the nose to the mouth.

Dehydration wrinkles can affect younger people. They are easy to eradicate by applying the right moisturizers.

Anti-wrinkle care:at what age to start?

Taking care of the skin is a good habit to take regardless of age. Generally, it is advisable to start using anti-wrinkle care around the age of 30. Indeed, from this age, the cells take longer to regenerate. However, good daily hydration of the skin is required from an early age in order to delay the appearance of wrinkles. A balanced diet is also useful for beautiful skin and against early wrinkles.

Wrinkles:zoom on these gestures that accentuate them

To preventthe premature appearance of wrinkles , it is advisable to avoid certain daily actions that promote them:

  1. Have dessert after every meal
  2. Consuming too much alcohol;
  3. Not drinking enough water;
  4. Lack of sleep;
  5. Excessive consumption of fast food;
  6. Expose yourself to the sun without protection;
  7. Wash your face several times a day;
  8. Forgetting to remove makeup before going to bed;
  9. Follow a strict diet;
  10. Stay sedentary all day;
  11. Turn the A/C on high;
  12. Spending too much time on screens.

Also read:

Forehead wrinkles:9 tips for successfully reducing them

Anti-aging:9 anti-wrinkle tips that actually work

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