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Acne:5 gestures that promote pimples

We may have the impression of doing everything to avoid them, pimples regularly make a comeback. What if, in the end, we don't do everything right? The Wellandgood site asked two American beauty experts, Tara Curran and Hayley Roy, to list the gestures and habits that we often do and that encourage the appearance of pimples. They underline the fact that pimples are often just a sign that something is wrong inside… in other words, they are a reflection of health. Good news:by changing a few (bad habits), we can avoid them.

1/ Eating foods to which you are allergic

It's not the first thing you think of, and yet pimples can be a sign of a food allergy. In this case, the test is done by removing the five most common allergens one by one (gluten, dairy products, caffeine, alcohol and sugar) and observing how the skin reacts and how digestion takes place. Thus, we can notice that we have pimples the day after a drunken evening or after eating hummus. If it's recurrent, there's no point in struggling with hyper-powerful anti-acne products...

2/ Using the wrong toothpaste

Toothpaste and button, what relationship? Well in the case where the pimples are located around the mouth, the track of bad toothpaste is to be considered very seriously. Indeed, the chemical components and fluorides contained in the paste can be the cause of these pimples. In this case, we turn to more natural formulas.

3/ Washing your face in the shower

The problem is not so much using the wrong product (who has never used shower gel to wash their face?) but doing this cleaning in the shower. Why ? Well, the few minutes between rinsing the face and following the care routine weaken the skin. They recommend following cleansing with the use of a tonic to regulate the pH of the skin. Without this step, the skin can hardly regulate itself and is prone to inflammation when you go out.

4/ Living in a big city

Who says big city usually says pollution. Yes, here is a factor that does not really depend on us but plays a lot on the skin and pimples. If this is the case, it is imperative to systematize the use of an antioxidant treatment to counter the production of free radicals and to use a treatment with anti-UV protection. We also make sure to clean the face in the evening and in the morning (but only with a cotton ball + micellar water in the morning) in order to remove the polluting particles that are present even inside.

5/ Never change your skincare routine

If your routine has not changed for ten years, no need to go further:your skin has changed a lot during this decade. The skin is a living organ whose needs change over time. Thus, it can be good to change your day cream, your serum, your night care and even your cleanser according to the seasons, but also the feeling of the skin. If it pulls after cleansing when it usually doesn't, it's a sign that it may be too strong for the epidermis right now. And we remember that one of the ways the skin communicates is also via nasty little pimples... We have been warned!