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The Nail Revolution is on

Nowadays, the range of colors available to varnish our nails is infinite, it's true. But finding the exact shade of mustard yellow to match our dress or our handbag, that mission impossible. This is why, after 3 years of work, Olivier Fiastre and Damien Blanchy are launching this brilliant "Nail Revolution" application. The idea? Make your custom nail polish from your smartphone, and receive it in just 24 hours.

More than 2000 varnish colors available

For this, the two French entrepreneurs have developed an automaton using techniques developed for aviation, performing ultra-precise dosages for a color as faithful as possible. Once the application has been downloaded (available for iPhone and Android), you choose from the 2000 colors of the Provaine Paris color chart. We can also capture the exact color of our clothing thanks to a small accessory in the form of a mini speaker, the Color Catch Nano from Colorix, which separately measures up to 50,000 pixels. Thanks to its pipette function, the small sensor manages to measure the colorimetry of a single thread, allowing you to isolate the exact color you want. Our order is then transmitted to the nearest automaton, which will, in just a few minutes, manufacture our bottle of nail polish. And the icing on the cake, so as not to be mistaken, the brand offers to test the chosen shade on a virtual hand that adapts to all skin tones and that we can modify as we wish. Not bad is not it ? In any case, the concept has already been tested by some users who seem delighted with the result.

Unfortunately, the Color Catch Nano costs between 400 and 500 euros…. But the leaders of Provaine plan to equip nail bars, department stores and perfumeries, in addition to their automatons, from the beginning of 2017. So, in the meantime, we will be satisfied with the application!

The Nail Revolution by Provaine Paris, iPhone and Android application to download from July 1st.

Custom nail polish and delivery, €20.