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What you can do against pimples and acne

Blemished skin, pimples, blackheads, also known as comedones, and acne are not just a problem during puberty. Adults over the age of thirty also suffer from these skin problems, for example with the annoying "Acne Tarda". Impurities often arise during times of hormonal fluctuations or changes. Pimples or pustules may also appear on the face associated with rosacea. And remember:blemished skin doesn't necessarily have to be oily – especially dry skin areas with a weakened skin barrier are an ideal breeding ground for pimples and blackheads.

Blackheads, pimples or acne?

If the skin is impure, the sebaceous glands produce more sebum. Excess material then clogs the outlets of the sebaceous glands. Pores blocked in this way end up as pimples or blackheads. Pimples also develop as a result of clogged sebaceous glands – if blackheads don't break open, the sebum can't escape and the bacteria spread beneath the surface, causing inflammation. The difference between pimples and blackheads, and acne, lies in the seriousness of the skin problem. In acne, the inflammation occurs on the skin's surface as well as in the deeper tissue layers.

Possible causes

The causes of impure skin are complex:partly genetic, but also psychological. Improper skin care with harsh cleansing products can also damage the skin, as can smoking or an unhealthy diet.

Inadequate detoxification of our body through the gut is another common cause of pimples. The gut is our central detoxification organ and is responsible for maintaining our immune system. With weakened gut health, the skin can become overwhelmed as it struggles to defend itself against toxins from the body. This can lead to pimples, blackheads and acne. Sometimes, however, the skin is simply sensitive to so-called comedogenic ingredients used in care and cosmetic products. These products even stimulate the development of blackheads.

The right facial care for impure skin

In principle, you should not pop pimples to minimize the risk of further bacterial infiltration. Treatment for acne should be discussed with an experienced physician. To get rid of blackheads, pimples and blemished skin in the long term, you need to take a holistic approach. Here are a few tips:

☀ Non-comedogenic ingredients

Jojoba oil regulates the production of sebum, cannot be metabolized by acne bacteria and ensures that pimples heal faster.
Argan oil has an antibacterial effect, provides a lot of moisture and can visibly improve your complexion if you suffer from acne.
Grape seed oil strengthens the skin barrier, smoothes the skin and works against calluses. This oil is also known for its sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Anti-comedogenic plant extracts with anti-inflammatory, soothing, or redness-reducing agents include beta-glucan, green tea, licorice root, rosemary antioxidant, copaiba balsam, lucuma, and magnolia bark.

☀ Strengthens the skin's natural acid barrier

The pH of healthy skin is in the slightly acidic range. The protective acid layer acts as part of the skin barrier to prevent moisture loss. It also prevents environmental pollutants or pathogens from entering the skin and inhibits the growth of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, use products with a slightly acidic pH value to strengthen the immune function of the skin.

☀ Skin care without surfactants

The skin barrier is made of lipids. It works to prevent moisture loss and protect against pollutants and bacteria that penetrate the skin and cause blackheads, inflammatory acne and blemishes. Aggressive surfactants such as sulphates (sodium laureth sulphate, sodium lauryl sulphate, ammonium lauryl sulphate or sodium coconut sulphate) are not only irritating to the skin – they have a degreasing effect and make the skin permeable to external pollutants.

☀ Skin care without emulsifiers and skin-irritating additives

The situation is similar to emulsifiers in cosmetics. These emulsifiers serve to combine the water and lipid components in the product. However, as a nasty side effect, they also react with the membrane lipids of the skin. In this way, they dissolve the protective skin barrier, remove essential lipids and make the skin susceptible to harmful microorganisms, such as the pimple-causing P. Acnes Bacterium.

For this reason, facial care for sensitive skin prone to blackheads and pimples should be absolutely free of skin-weakening emulsifiers and surfactants. Potentially skin-irritating additives such as preservatives or fragrances should be taboo in your facial care, just like alcohol, which dries out the skin.

Other factors to avoid to avoid imperfections
* Fast food, dairy products, white sugar and white flour products harm a healthy gut
flora. They hinder the detoxification of the body through digestion. In addition to fast food, wheat noodles, potatoes, saturated fats and fats with a high content of omega-6 fatty acids are mentioned as risk factors for acne.
* Instead of fast food, it is much better to eat homemade meals, and raw vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. There should be breaks of several hours between meals to allow the bowel to settle down. Instead of sugary soft drinks, stick to water or unsweetened tea.
* Avoid nicotine and alcohol. They may be responsible for enlarged pores, blemishes and blemishes, as well as premature skin aging.
* Many sports and outdoor activities are also important for healthy skin. Of course, this is also the best way to maintain your weight.
* The impact of stress on the skin should not be underestimated. Constant stress not only weakens the natural detoxification of our body, it also has a negative effect on our entire organism. Aim for a little more serenity in your everyday life, and your skin will begin to improve.