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Dealing with acne? 5 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Today

While teenagers are most affected by acne, adults can get it too. But we have good news for you:With the right lifestyle changes and professional acne treatment, you can say hello to clearer and healthier skin!

What are the different types of acne? Acne comes in various forms such as blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, cysts and nodules. They appear not only on the face, but also on the back, chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms and buttocks. And as mentioned above, anyone can get it. Everyone.

According to dermatologists, a clogged pore in the skin causes the appearance of acne. It starts with dead skin cells rising to the surface of the pore. The body produces sebum, an oil that keeps the skin from drying out. Dead skin cells then stick together in the pore and can be trapped inside. Bacteria, which thrive on the skin, can get into the pore – the perfect environment for them to multiply quickly. This makes the skin red and swollen. As the inflammation deepens, an acne cyst or lump appears. The good news is that all of this can be nipped in the bud by following some of these simple lifestyle changes:

Watch what you eat
Certain foods can cause a spike in blood sugar, which stimulates insulin. The overproduction of insulin in the bloodstream causes changes that can lead to the growth of pore-clogging cells. Stick to whole grains, beans and vegetables and cut back on carbohydrates such as pasta, white rice, white bread and sugar.

Go outside and get active Stress is definitely one of the leading causes of acne breakouts! Good thing there is exercise to reduce stress. Not only do you burn unwanted fat, but exercise can also increase blood circulation, which sends oxygen to your skin cells and removes waste. Of course, remember to always take a nice shower after a workout, because sweat can irritate the skin and lead to pimples.

Inject some omega-3 fatty acids into your diet
Leukotriene B4 is a molecule that can increase sebum levels and cause inflammatory acne. Good old Omega-3 fatty acids can control its production; so make an effort to include this in your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in foods such as walnuts, avocados, flaxseed oil and salmon.

Wash your face well Daily exposure to makeup, sweat, smog, dust and dirt clogs pores. If you don't wash properly, these build up on your skin and fill the pores, resulting in unsightly blackheads and pimples. Thoroughly cleanse your face twice a day with a cleansing oil and gentle cleanser.

Every bodily process depends on how hydrated you are. Water cleanses the liver and kidneys allowing the body to efficiently secrete hormones, so always drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day. Better hydration, better skin. It's a win-win.