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6 telltale signs of aging

For all of us ladies, the awful term "aging" is almost shocking to our ears. And with the plethora of negative connotations surrounding the word "aging," we can't help but cringe as the years begin to pile up. With age comes the ugly consequences of loss of volume and coupled that with the laws of gravity at play, the worst enemy that befalls us all; weakness. Our once tight face has now developed extra folds on the chin, not to mention, our once proud and perky bust and buttocks are now bowing to the dominant effects of aging. And while aging takes an inevitable toll on our once-young and vibrant bodies, here are six signs that aging has finally caught up with us as we move into the next phase of our lives.

1. Wrinkles
Wrinkles – The hateful lines that appear on our faces as age creeps up on us. Since wrinkles are closely related to aging, it has now become synonymous with the word "old." The folds that crumple the smooth surface of our skin is without a doubt one of the most revealing signs of aging. And while wrinkles are a common sight as we age, the hideous lines wreak havoc on our appearance. While wrinkles appear on our foreheads down to the corners of our eyes, the folds disrupt the velvety appearance of the face and extinguish all signs of youth and vitality.

2. Hollow cheeks Like that of a chubby baby, a full and chubby face always reflects freshness and undeniable youth. As the painful aging process begins, our skin not only loses elasticity, but also the subcutaneous fat in our cheeks decreases significantly. With the absence of the supporting structure of the facial skin, coupled with a significant loss of volume in the cheek area, these make our cheeks droop, giving a chapped appearance of the cheeks that intensifies the naturalization when one moves into the territory of aging. enters.

3. Jowls
When you realize your mandible has a new slack visitor, you're officially welcome to the aging club. Jowls, as we call it, is the skin in our lower cheeks that hangs limp or crumbles along the jawline. As suspected, the culprit behind the ugly flap is none other than aging. The loss of collagen and elasticity to keep the jawline firm and tight contributes significantly to the formation of jowls. With a loosely hanging crease, it robs us of that well-shaped facial contour that radiates a fresh face like no other.

4. Turkey neck
Do you think it sounds ugly? Well, turkey neck is as repulsive as it sounds. With age comes the inevitable consequences of thinning skin and weakened connective tissue and with that concoction it yields the ugliest product; wrinkly folds of skin that gather in the neck area. The turkey neck is ugly to say the least, making us look much older than we actually are. Betrayed by the unpleasant buns that settle on our necks, turkey neck is undeniably one of the most indicative signs of aging.

5. Saggy and smaller breasts
We know we've violated the realms of aging when our once perky breasts now hang as dejectedly as our self-esteem. For many of us ladies, our breasts are considered our precious possessions and when they succumb to the damaging effects of aging and gravity, our self-confidence inevitably takes a dive. Like the rest of the body that takes a beating when aging hits, our breasts are no exception. With the loss of skin elasticity that comes with the aging process, it's no surprise that there is bound to be sagging in the breast department. But it's more than just flaccidity that contributes to our bosom problems. Depletion of fat, tissue and mammary glands creates a new set of gloom as we find our bras are much roomier than before.

6. Saggy and unattractive buttocks
When hours in the gym don't give you the Brazilian butt of your dreams, it could be… you guessed it, aging comes between you and your tight and perky ass. But not only the nasty effects of aging that contribute to our unattractive buttocks, gravity also causes our buttocks to go south irreversibly. And as the story goes, aging causes the loss of skin elasticity, but with gravity in the equation, there seems to be no escape from a saggy and cellulite-laden bottom… Or is it?