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Our teeth get a 6.9

Our teeth get a 6.9

What grade would you give your teeth? Research has shown that the average Dutch person gives their teeth a 6.9.

That doesn't mean we never have problems with our teeth. 94 percent sometimes have problems. Cavities are the most common problem.

Brushing habits
Half of the respondents brush electric. One in five sometimes brush electrically and sometimes by hand. The rest always polish by hand. To take better care of the teeth, toothpicks are the most popular, followed by floss, mouthwash and brushes.

Before or after dinner
Dentists recommend waiting at least an hour after eating before brushing your teeth. If you can't manage that, it's better to brush your teeth before eating. Yet 87 percent brush after eating.

Most people who took the survey don't care about the smell of their own breath. 13 percent think their breath doesn't smell as fresh. Almost all respondents agree that bad breath is something to be ashamed of.

To the dentist
Our teeth are worth a pass and they should stay that way. 65 percent go to the dentist twice a year, as recommended. A quarter go once a year.