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Acne scars:9 tips to get rid of them

We (almost) all have experienced acne which proliferates on our pretty face . We (almost) all have had a one-sided love affair with acne . This pot of glue. She didn't want to leave us. She felt so good on our skin . We camouflaged it. At least we tried. Sometimes making the situation worse. Error of youth obliges. And after long months of fighting these little pimples which we would have done well without, sometimes after long months of heavy treatments, we have achieved it. Victoire. Our skin has regained a (more or less) smooth texture, we can finally get rid of our multiple ultra-covering foundations and say to ourselves "today, I have the wife to do my makeup" . Hooray . But that was without counting on what she left as a souvenir.

The different techniques to get rid of acne scars

We obviously think of scars . Generally, this type of scar is located on the forehead ,cheeks and chin and is characterized by a hollow appearance. These scars can come in different forms. In “U” shape , in “ice pick” or in quadrangular shape . In any case, they are not welcome, ever. But once they are there, you have to know how to make them disappear . And for that, there are a host of natural tricks or not to help you in your fightagainst scars . If you are unable to do this, you can also opt for the most definitive and extreme option, namely the laser. But before you get started, here are some tips that most often work.