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Scalp eczema:9 tips to get rid of it

What causes scalp eczema?

scalp eczema is less disabling than that which spreads on the body, because it is not visible. On the other hand, the itching is very unpleasant and causes the person to constantly scratch their head. Scratching causes quite unsightly and sometimes painful scales. Eczema, whether atopic, allergic, on the body or on the scalp, is not contagious. However, it is hereditary. This skin disease is not caused by poor hygiene. Eczema on the head, like that which appears on the rest of the body, mainly affects people with genetically weak antibodies or for various other reasons. The most common factors that cause scalp eczema are:

  • Genetics:Just like asthma, rhinitis and others, eczema is hereditary
  • Liver disease
  • Extreme stress and fatigue
  • Taking certain medications
  • The use of hair products that are too aggressive and/or unsuitable (hair dyes containing paraphenylene diamine, bleaching, perms, shampoos containing cocamidopropyl betaine, etc.)
  • Direct or indirect exposure to allergens…

Scalp eczema:these natural remedies to relieve itching

To treat scalp eczema , it is first necessary to stop the proliferation of yeasts which are responsible for the disease in the head. These yeasts grow more easily on greasy soil. It is therefore advisable to:

  • Use a special shampoo that treats scalp eczema. These are usually dandruff and antifungal shampoos that contain cyclopiroxolamine to neutralize yeast.
  • Use natural remedies such as:purifying and anti-fungal essential oils, but also soothing and healing. These are the essential oils of tea tree, palmarosa, geranium, lavender… Apply a few drops of these oils directly to the areas affected by eczema on the scalp, or pour a few drops into your shampoo and leave to act a few minutes.
  • Apply aloe vera gel to the scalp, cover with a warm towel, then leave on for half an hour before washing off with a mild shampoo.

Scalp eczema or psoriasis?

Eczema of the scalp is characterized by red patches and very dry skin. These signs are accompanied by greasy scale-like dander on the head. They cause terrible itching and sometimes small bleeding due to scratching. Eczema triggers are easier to avoid than psoriasis triggers. Psoriasis is also an inflammatory skin disease, but it is less common than eczema. The symptoms are more or less similar (red patches with scales), but psoriasis does not itch.