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10 tips to get rid of a pimple quickly

Have you noticed that nasty pimples always appear at the wrong time? A first date, a reunion with friends, an important meeting at work... In short, we look in the mirror and there, we say to ourselves that it will never disappear before D-Day. No more worries Ladies here are 10 tips that will make that nasty pimple disappear in no time.

1. Tea Tree essential oil more commonly known as tea tree

If you like natural products, essential oils here is what should suit you perfectly. Tea tree essential oil. This essential oil is incredibly effective in getting rid of pimples quickly. To do this, you just need to apply two drops morning and evening on a cotton swab and tap your pimple with it. A single night will be enough to make the small pimples disappear and for the bigger ones it will be enough of 2 days! You can also enjoy all the benefits of tea tree with Kimber Cosmetics Purifying Mask.

2. Green clay

Your button has just appeared? Immediately apply a green clay mask. And before going to bed, put some product back on just where the pimple is and leave it on overnight. This will allow the button to dry out and therefore be less visible.

3. Toothpaste

Yes, yes, you read that right, toothpaste, because it can make a pimple go away quickly... By the way, have you ever heard of it? It is an old grandmother's remedy that has long since proven its effectiveness. All you have to do is apply toothpaste to your pimple before going to sleep, and the next morning when you wake up it will have practically disappeared.
But be careful, for best results use toothpaste in the form of a white paste.

4. An anti-pimple gel pen

So that's my favourite, because we can always take it with us, the anti-pimple gel pen like the STYLO SUBLIME BIO CORRECTOR by Lady Green. In fact, the principle is simple, just apply a little gel on the pimples, which is intended to dry them out. Particularly effective at night. Apply a small touch of gel to each pimple before going to bed, the next day you can see a real improvement.

5. With an ice cube

But yes ladies, an ice cube. Indeed, the cold is one of the best tricks to quickly remove a pimple on the face. Whether on the nose, forehead or chin, today I'm giving you the ice cube trick that will save your appearance!

- Take an ice cube and massage the pimple.
- Massage for a few seconds, no longer.
- Repeat between 3 and 6 times a day.

This is a fairly simple, natural and free trick. But be careful not to leave the ice cube too long on the skin of the face, because you risk burning your skin with the cold, so be vigilant!

6. Sea salt

Sea salt can be used to heal a pimple. Indeed, salt is rich in minerals of all kinds, so it remains an excellent asset against pimples and the natural treatment of acne. In addition, salt can quickly dry out and therefore remove unwanted pimples on the face.
Dissolve some sea salt in water and apply the lotion mixture to your pimple.

To be repeated Morning and evening until the pimple disappears completely.

7. Yogurt and lemon

You can also prepare a homemade mask with lemon and yogurt. It is a natural and simple recipe to apply.

- Mix yogurt and lemon juice.
- Apply to the face.
- Leave the mask on for 20 minutes.
- Rinse well.

8. Aspirin

Yes, aspirin can also save you the day. Indeed, aspirin can help you treat and remove a pimple overnight without you realizing it.

Here's how :

- Crush some aspirin.
- Mix with a little water.
- Form a paste with the aspirin and water.
- Apply to pimple and let it work.

9. No touching!

It is true that when we see a button appear, we want to touch it, to crush it, but this is a big mistake. Do not touch your pimple with your fingers! Leave him alone or you'll make the situation worse and he'll get even uglier. However, if your button is white, you can pierce it, but not just anyhow! Cleanse your face and hands first, then apply some almond oil to the pimple. Almond oil will make your pimple softer and easier to pierce. This way, there will be less risk of leaving a scar there., then use two cotton balls to pierce it. Finally, disinfect the area with a local antiseptic.

10. Hide it!

Last solution and especially while waiting for it to disappear completely, you can camouflage it a little! Apply your green concealer stick, which will make the redness disappear, then your foundation. Finish with a flesh-colored concealer stick for finishing touches.

You now know how to fight pimples, and stay beautiful naturally.

Beauty blogger
Anecdotes of a super active mum.