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Cold sore:9 tips from grandmothers to quickly get rid of it

Althoughharmless for our health, we must admit that we would gladly do without the cold sore. From its real name herpes labialis , he is rather ugly and quite unpleasant . No matter how hard we try to camouflage it, nothing can be done. It persists and harms our pretty face. No matter why he decides to take up residence on our mouth, the most important thing is that he stays for as little time as possible. And as every problem has its solution, the cold sore does not escape the refreeze. There are a few small techniques to eliminate it quickly and effectively. Here are the grandmother's tips to get rid of a cold sore.

Cold sore:how can you catch it?

If you have a cold sore is commonplace for many people, we do not always know why and how we could catch it. The first infection often takes place in childhood unnoticed. Except that once caught, the virus remains present in local nerve cells. Suddenly, it is enough to be in times of stress, exposure to the sun, menstruation, trauma, surgery, treatment that inhibits the immune system, infection and of course, fever, to wake it up. The kiss of an infected person is the most common mode of transmission. An exchange of cutlery, a shared bottle of water or the projection of droplets of saliva when sneezing or coughing are also factors of contamination. The incubation of the infection lasts between 2 and 12 days . It is therefore necessary to avoid as much as possible putting your lips on those of our beloved during this time.

Cold sore:remedies from our kitchen

For a solution to be fast and efficient according to our grandmothers, it must be accessible. And what could be simpler than going to help yourself in our kitchen? Yes yes, no need to rush to the pharmacy, certain foods of our daily lives turn out to be fervent fighters of this virus. So, if ever the cold sore decides to invite itself on your mouth, do not hesitate to combine yourself with garlic, honey, cider vinegar, lemon, but also ice cubes. Garlic is an effective antiseptic that will fight against fever, but also reduce the tingling of herpes. It is to be used at the first signs. The honey will help you disinfect and heal your cold sore. Like garlic, lemon is a strong antiseptic. It will allow you thanks to its acidity, to disinfect your pimple. With cider vinegar , you can say goodbye to unpleasant tingling. Finally, the ice cube will be a great companion to prevent your cold sore from doubling in size, as well as to reduce the pain it causes.

Cold sore:these tips to adopt

We know that when the cold sore invades our face, all means are good to make it disappear . So, on the advice of our grandmothers, here are the tips to adopt that will change our lives. Make tea tree oil your faithful ally, for its antiviral and antifungal properties to eliminate bacteria from your pimple. Green clay will also be devilishly effective in drying out the pimple. Baking Soda wouldn't be what it is, if it wouldn't save us from this herpes. With a little water, make a paste that will dry out and disinfect your cold sore. Finally, use the soothing and healing properties of chamomile. Make a poultice of chamomile flowers dried and chopped that you will leave on your pimple to watch it disappear slowly.