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Oily skin:9 tips to treat it and get rid of excess sebum!

The importance of targeting the needs of our skin

In terms of skin, we all have our disappointments . And let it be said, our wildest dream would be to have peach skin naturally, without having to worry about the products that we should put on it. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. Our bathrooms are overflowing with products in which we have, at one time or another, harbored great hopes. And let's face it, most of the time, it's a fail. Dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, each skin should receive special attention .

Oily skin:hell of shine

But this time we focus on oily-prone skin . The big catch? They tend to glow . Result, matte oily skin, becomes shiny fifteen minutes later . And it becomes a real obsession for the main concerned. Even low temperatures do nothing. Whether it is 5 degrees or 35 degrees, the result is the same. You have tried everything . Mattifying wipes, overpriced foundations or loose powders. Nothing works ? Don't panic, we have listed some small steps for you to overcome.

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