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Men get wrinkles earlier and more

Men's wrinkles appear earlier and in greater numbers. An elderly man's face is covered with wrinkles for 4.5 percent, that of a woman for 3.6 percent. The formation of women's wrinkles only really starts after the menopause. This is apparent from research by Erasmus MC. After the age of 75, women are catching up in the field of wrinkles, and as a result end up with more wrinkles at an advanced age.

Up to the age group of 51 to 75 years, men appear to have significantly more wrinkles. Women only catch up after their 75th birthday. The woman also has wrinkles in other places:she has considerably more wrinkles on her upper lip. Risk factors for developing wrinkles were also examined. Smoking and sunlight are irrefutable culprits, especially in women. Like a low BMI:A little fat under the skin reduces the depth of the wrinkles. And:the more glasses of alcohol a woman drinks, the more wrinkles she has.

Also noteworthy is the finding that of the Northern European skin types (types 1, 2 and 3), the whitest skin develops wrinkles the least quickly. Before people with this skin type count themselves rich:They do develop pigment spots earlier, also a sign of skin aging. It is also thought that every skin type ages differently.'