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3 myths about older skin

3 myths about older skin

What about wrinkles, anti-aging and collagen as you age? These are 3 myths.

1. Dry skin causes wrinkles. So grease firmly and consistently?
Not quite true: Wrinkles are formed when the collagen fibers – the supporting tissue of the skin – break down in the dermis (=dermis) and the skin literally collapses. This takes place far below your outer skin layer, where you suffer from dry skin. If your skin is dry, it has a shortage of fats; there does not have to be a moisture deficiency. With dry skin, a rich cream can temporarily make lines or wrinkles less visible due to the filling effect on the skin. Only if a cream also contains ingredients such as retinol (vitamin A), antioxidants (vitamins C and E) or a sun filter (SPF against UVA and UVB rays) can there be protection against the breakdown of collagen.

2. The more anti-aging products I use, the better
False: Applying layer after layer makes you feel like you're doing the right thing for your skin. But stop:it is a waste of your time, money and effort. The more anti-aging products you use, the greater the chance of developing an allergy or unpleasant skin reaction. While you do not know which product caused this. In addition, the products do not work optimally, because they get in each other's way. So opt for balance and focus on a few products with ingredients that your skin needs the most. For most women, this is a serum with antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E), followed by a moisturizing day cream with SPF for the day. At night you can use a slightly fatter cream.

3. For brightly colored and striking make-up you must have young skin
False: Nonsense of course, it's about dosing the color - even when you're very young. With a well-chosen bright color you immediately pick up a face-in-a-dip. A pink cream blush makes dryness lines less noticeable, a coral red lipstick gives your skin a fresh, healthy look - no matter how young or old you are. Full lips can be chicly colored with a berry-colored lipstick. For a smokey eye you really don't just need dark colors, you can also do it with nude shades.

Read also:Get used to these habits for fewer wrinkles