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7 Myths About Liposuction

With a myriad of misconceptions surrounding the idea of ​​liposuction, it's no wonder many of us reject liposuction as a viable option when it comes to a fat reduction and body contouring solution. A foggy understanding and clouded judgment about liposuction are just hurdles in the quest for our perfect body. So, what's the truth behind liposuction? It's time to debunk the myths and clear the fog of uncertainty that surrounds this proceeding.

Myth #1 – Liposuction is THE solution for dramatic weight loss In our urgent desire to shed those heaping pounds, many of us immediately turn to liposuction for the answer. However, the assumption that liposuction is the ultimate cure for massive weight loss could not be less true. Essentially, the most ideal candidates for liposuction are those who adhere to a comprehensive diet and strict exercise regime, yet are unable to combat those problem areas. Expecting liposuction to act as instant weight loss would result in not only an unnatural finish, but a medically unsafe finish.

Myth #2 – Liposuction was invented exclusively for the female sex
To all the men reading this, you'll be happy to hear that liposuction is for you too! The fixation that liposuction is a female-oriented procedure is a myth that needs to be debunked. In fact, the number of men going to aesthetic clinics for a liposuction procedure has increased significantly over the years. In a manner similar to women's, liposuction can successfully eradicate stubborn fat deposits on the abdomen, chest and love handles, giving the male body a more sculpted finish. With liposuction gaining popularity among the male sex, liposuction is a procedure that both sexes can enjoy.

Myth #3 – Liposuction is the answer to cellulite
Cellulite is a nasty thing to deal with. By giving the surface of our skin the unsightly bumpiness, cellulite has undoubtedly become the bane of our existence. As desperate as we are to get rid of the unpleasant blemishes that plague the surface of our skin, unfortunately liposuction is not the way out. Contrary to that myth, in individuals with poor skin elasticity, liposuction can potentially worsen the appearance of cellulite, making your cellulite problems your worst nightmare.

Myth #4 – Liposuction allows me to avoid exercise and diet For many, liposuction is synonymous with an exercise and diet free lifestyle. Unfortunately, even liposuction cannot absolve anyone from a lazy way of life. The great thing about liposuction is that it gives you a free pass to start over with a clean slate and when combined with a diligent exercise regimen and sensible diet, it helps in maintaining your desired body shape in the long run. Conversely, reckless eating and absence of an exercise routine can put you at risk of unflattering results after a liposuction procedure. There is no doubt that liposuction has a huge positive effect on your body when it comes to re-contouring the body and combined with a reasonable diet and exercise, you will be promised lasting satisfaction.

Myth #5 – Liposuction is an exterminator for stretch marks
“Liposuction is the cure for those horrible stretch marks”, is the most common misconception we have to express.
Although fat deposits and stretch marks may seem to have a slight correlation, the way to combat these two problem areas is hugely different. While stretch marks are the result of excessive stretching and loosening of the embedded layers of skin, indicating poor skin elasticity, using liposuction to correct stretch marks can cause the post-liposuction results to be bumpy and loose during the procedure.

Myth #6 – Fats return to the same place when I arrive after liposuction
Liposuction is the miracle for those with stubborn problem areas and here's why. Fats are only absorbed in the presence of fat cells and in a liposuction procedure; it essentially removes the fat cells from the problem area on the body. And while it is only normal to gain weight, because there are no fat cells for the fats to attach to, the gained fats will travel to another part of the body to be absorbed. And voila! No more fat cells, no more fat absorption, no more problem areas!

Myth #7 – Liposuction is easy! Any surgeon can do it.
Wrong! Wrong! And you can't be more wrong! Liposuction is more than just sucking the nasty fats out of your body, in fact; liposuction is a complex surgical procedure that requires a pair of skilled hands to achieve the best results. It is only in the hands of a skilled aesthetic practitioner that you can be assured of a smooth procedure that is not only complication-free but also assured of the most natural-looking result after liposuction.