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How do you stop feeling insecure about your body?

Feeling confident with your body can sometimes seem impossible. But we are sure:any person with any body can achieve this. The key lies in accepting whatever body you have. The only reason our perceived shortcomings matter is because we think they reflect a bigger problem. If I don't have a flat stomach, people will think I don't train enough. Sounds familiar? It's only when we talk about all these other judgments that it becomes a problem. We have therefore made a list here of how you can stop feeling insecure. Hopefully, over time, these steps can help you put your uncertainty behind you once and for all.

Buy clothes that fit
Keeping or wearing clothes that don't fit you isn't motivating or rewarding - all it will give you is discomfort. Buy clothes that fit the body you have now – you deserve to feel comfortable.

Stop weighing yourself
Checking your weight on the scale is never good. When you step on it, one of two things can happen. Either you don't like the number and feel terrible or you do like it and become afraid of gaining weight in the future. It doesn't matter whether the judgment is positive or negative, it feeds your insecurities and suffering.

Look less in the mirror
Similar to how you react to a number on the scale, you may react the same way by looking in the mirror. So don't do it too often.

Make food and exercise choices independent of weight
The pursuit of weight loss is not a good idea for your body image. It can cause body insecurity. How to avoid this? Stop pursuing weight loss. Exercise when it feels right. Eat what your body craves. Listen to your intuition and treat health problems with lifestyle interventions instead of weight loss.

Don't let the insecurity of others disappoint you
If others tell you about their insecurities, remember that these statements are only a reflection of their insecurities; you don't have to feel insecure either.

Let go of guilt
Insecurities are not a reflection of you and your inability to love yourself - it's not your fault that you are ashamed of your body! You have been trained to think this way from the moment you were born. Let go of the guilt.

Stop thinking of certain characteristics as 'bad'
Distribute your own judgments about bodies. Do you think of a flat stomach as “good” and fat rolls as “bad”? If so, you naturally feel negative about yourself if you don't have a flat stomach. You assume that everyone judges you based on that physical characteristic. Not having a flat stomach doesn't make you "bad". Why do you feel that way?

Unfollow people who make you insecure
Just looking at thin, young, fit, healthy people all day will not help you get rid of your insecurities. There is no need to immerse yourself in even more uncertainty than you already feel.

Make your Instagram feed varied
Follow different people on Instagram. Exposure to images of all kinds of bodies – people who are overweight, people of a different race, people with disabilities, etc. – can help improve your judgments about certain body types. It can also help you find your own sense of body acceptance.

Value your body for things other than how it looks
Develop an appreciation for your body that isn't about visual features. Think about all the great things your body does for you every day.

Know that no one is perfect
Because of the weight-oriented culture we live in, it's almost impossible to feel completely comfortable with your body. Rest assured because many people feel this way and that even after your body image improves, there are times when the insecurities come back. As you work on your body image as a whole, the negative thoughts will become less frequent.

Give up the idea of ​​control
Just as it's not your fault that you feel insecure, it's not your fault that your body looks the way it does – whether you like it or not. Giving up on controlling your weight will probably also help you accept it as it is.

Learn the consequences of dieting Dieting is controversial – some claim it has health benefits, while others argue that these benefits don't exist. Either way, it's impossible to deny that there are consequences to dieting.

Remind yourself of your values
Suppose you are a bit fatter. You may be afraid that people around you will judge you or like you less. But is that why you value your relationships? Do you appreciate people because they admire the way you look? Or do you have relationships with more substance? If there are people out there who don't like you based on your looks, think twice about whether that's a friendship you want to pursue. If your values ​​lie elsewhere, you don't need those people to dictate how you think about yourself, or about your body.