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This is how you check your skin age

As much as we want it, we can't fight it. Young skin does not last forever. Fortunately, there are many ways to check how your skin is doing and better respond to its needs. Nivea explains how to determine your skin age and what you can do to make it age beautifully. Because in the end everyone wants to grow old, but nobody wants to be… Crazy isn't it?

Spoiler alert!
You don't have a wrinkle overnight. That happens gradually and secretly the whole circus starts quite early. First, between our 20s and 30s, the skin starts to lose moisture slowly. Lipids (fats) are important for retaining moisture in the skin, but those lipids are produced less and less from the age of 30. As we approach 40, our skin becomes thinner, less firm and loses elasticity. We see this fastest around the eyes and mouth. When we also produce less and less collagen of our own, the volume of our skin decreases. This happens around our 50s. As a bouncer, as we approach 60, the skin will lose its suppleness and thickness, and age spots will also lurk.

Optical Skin Age
The aging of the skin is therefore a process that takes a long time and varies from person to person. While one smiley face spots her first crow's foot before she is 25, the other gets jealous looks when she still has to show her ID at the liquor store at 40. That has a lot to do with your optical skin age. It tells you whether your skin looks younger, the same age or perhaps older than you actually are. You can determine your optical skin age based on three factors:

In our younger years, our skin is still firm and elastic, but as the years pass, a change also takes place within the biological processes in our body. Our skin changes with it and therefore loses its firmness. By analyzing the firmness of your skin, you can see how elastic your skin is for your age. Pay extra attention to wrinkles on your forehead, around your eyes, nose and mouth. The fewer wrinkles, the firmer your skin.

Equality We would all sign for a radiant and even baby skin, right? Even skin means that it is even and soft. Without impurities, spots or redness on the face.

Even skin tone Where you check the smoothness and softness of your skin with the level of evenness, you can also look at the evenness of your complexion. You pay attention to the 'distribution' of your skin color:the amount of darker spots you have and their size. The fewer spots, the more even your complexion, the younger your skin looks.

Get started
A forewarned person counts for two of course, so fortunately there are many things you can do yourself to make your skin age as beautifully as possible. In general, you can say that you should start nourishing and protecting your skin against the aging process between the ages of 25 and 30.

The most well-known tip is probably:apply SPF! And no, not just on the beach, but every day. Harmful UV rays are one of the main causes of wrinkles and age spots. Therefore choose a day cream with a protection factor, so that your face never leaves the house unprotected.

In addition to SPF, there are many other ingredients that benefit your skin. For example, creams with argan oil and calcium are good for the hydration of dry and older skin. Calcium is also known for its firming properties. Soy extract reduces lines and wrinkles and burdock root extract supports the collagen production of the skin itself. Many creams contain Q10, hyaluronic acid and magnolia extract that improve the skin's ability to absorb water. Speaking of which:water! drink it. A lot and often. In this way you nourish your skin from the outside and from the inside and you look forward to your old age with a radiant glow.