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Stop biting your nails:this is how you do it

Stop biting your nails:this is how you do it

Let's face it:nail biting is a nasty habit. With these tips you will be able to stop using it for good.

Solution 1:bad taste

You can of course forbid yourself to gnaw your nails, but unfortunately that is not so easy. Nail biting is a habit and you probably do it unconsciously. By applying a bad taste to your nails, you make yourself aware that you always have your fingers in your mouth.

There are many remedies for sale, including special nail polish that gives a bad taste to your nails. Also an aloe vera plant can help:peel the leaf and rub your nails with it. Aloe vera cares for the skin (soft cuticles) but the pure taste is not tasty.

Solution 2:more relaxed

Stress is the most common cause of nail biting. You feel rushed or left behind, so you look for a way to relax and start nibbling on your nails. Unfortunately, your brain then makes a link between nail biting and its calming effect and a new habit is born.

Relax as much as possible, both physically and mentally. Meditate, get a massage, go to yoga, or make a list of things you still need to do - organizing your thoughts can help. And find another (good) habit that your brain will associate with 'rest', such as taking a daily walk or listening to relaxing music. Exercise can also help. An additional advantage:by exercising intensively, your body breaks down the stress hormone adrenaline more quickly.

Solution 3:playing hide and seek

Simple and effective:make sure that you can no longer reach your nails. It takes twenty to thirty days to form a habit. So take a month or so to unlearn it.

Keeping your nails short means there's less to bite, which will reduce the tendency to bite. Keep in mind that cutting with scissors increases the risk of cracks and breakage. Filing is therefore better. Always file with a glass file and from the outside in, so you make your nails nice and smooth. Another trick:hide your nails under a nice nail polish or artificial nails. You probably don't want to ruin those beautiful nails with nail biting. This way you can also get used to what it is like to have long nails:a good incentive to keep it up. Do you know this professional file already?